Bulgaria managed to limit infection, thanks to strict measures, Borissov told CIS – Politika


The coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented and the consequences are far-reaching. That is why we need to find the best and most effective ways to help our citizens and economies overcome the crisis and restore their normal lives as much as possible.

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This was stated by Prime Minister Boyko BorissovBoyko Borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria.

He was born on June 13, 1959. during his speech at the summit of the heads of government of the countries of the Central European Initiative (CIS), which was held by videoconference.

Discussions focused on the health, economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as possible joint recovery actions in the CIS region.

Prime Minister Borissov told fellow leaders that national measures were the first response to the infection, but that regional and global cooperation was essential to successfully tackle the short and long-term effects of the coronavirus.

“The Central Europe Initiative as a platform for regional cooperation with a long tradition and operational capacity can make a valuable contribution to our joint efforts in the battle with COVID-19,” said the Bulgarian Prime Minister.

He emphasized the importance of concerted action, cooperation and solidarity, which are key today.

“The current situation shows how connected and interdependent we are, not only in the EU, but also with external partners, especially from neighboring regions,” Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said.Boyko Borisov

Boyko Metodiev Borisov is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria.

He was born on June 13, 1959. during the video conference.

The Prime Minister insisted that with the advent of the virus, the main priority for everyone was to preserve human life and health, but at the same time he actively worked to keep the flow of people and goods as necessary and possible.

“The establishment of” green corridors “to guarantee the trafficking of basic goods and equipment within the EU and neighboring countries was crucial,” Prime Minister Borissov said.

He added that, in a spirit of solidarity, Bulgaria helped its partners ensure the return of its citizens.

And in several humanitarian operations, our state has supported the transit and repatriation of both EU citizens and citizens of Serbia, the Republic of North Macedonia and Montenegro.

“Thanks to timely and strict restrictive measures, Bulgaria has managed to limit the spread of the infection.” Now that we all begin to discuss strategies and plans to facilitate the measures, we must remain vigilant and monitor the situation, “Borissov told other leaders of CEI.

The CIS members are 17 countries: nine from the EU (Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia), five from the Western Balkans (Montenegro, Serbia, the Republic of Northern Macedonia , Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina). ) and three from Eastern Europe, subject to the Eastern Partnership of the EU (Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus).

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The coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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