Another long-awaited news of a fall in the ban.


After it became clear today that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov had ordered the opening of shopping malls in our country on Monday, there is now other good news. The nurseries will open gradually and without problems.

“The gradual and smooth opening of the kindergartens is yet to come, which will be a fact within a week,” said Professor Todor Kantardzhiev, director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and a member of the national operational headquarters.

He clarified that the experience of countries that have already opened kindergartens is closely monitored, but stressed that in our country, the fact that many children live with their grandparents must be taken into account, which is risky for adults. people.

“We will have some solutions in a week. Various scenarios are proposed.

One is with a small number of children in the groups, with recommendations for compliance with the measures. So that parents who want to send their children to kindergarten can return to work.

Currently, the Ministry of Health is carrying out a survey on the attitude of parents: if they are willing to let them go, under what conditions, if less, how many are in a group. We are evaluating all of this very carefully, “explained the director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases and a member of the National Operations Staff, cited by Focus.

Professor Kantardzhiev added that by the end of the year we could have positive data on the use of a coronavirus vaccine. According to him, the bad thing is if the virus changes and needs to be vaccinated annually, as is the case with the flu.

Sofia, Bulgaria
