EC and Bulgaria in dispute over measures to support domestic producers


The European Commission will send a formal notification letter to Bulgaria. The reason is the measures that were taken in support of national production in the crisis situation around the coronavirus, BNR reported.

In late April, it was decided that retail chains with 10 or more outlets in the country should offer regional products and display them prominently.

Taneva and large retail chains agreed to Bulgarian products

However, according to the EC, these measures were discriminatory and favored local food products. The Commission adds that this restricts the free movement of goods enshrined in the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, as it creates more favorable and competitive conditions for local food products, leading to discrimination against similar imported products.

Bulgaria must reply to the Commission within one month.

If you do not receive a satisfactory response, the Commission can send a reasoned opinion to our country, the national radio also announced.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food responded that previous deliveries of foreign goods to points of sale, as well as products that can be offered on the market at all points of sale in the country, were not violated in any way.

Forces retail chains with more than 10 sites to offer regional products.

The measure taken does not affect the free movement of goods produced in other countries, since the Decree issued on the basis of the Law of Measures and Actions during the State of Emergency does not provide for a prohibition and restrictions on the supply of products from the Member States. from the EU and third countries. , says the position of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The decree adopted took urgent measures at the national level, with the aim of guaranteeing and facilitating consumer access to the products of regional (local) producers. The ministry’s actions are aimed at supporting Bulgarian production, small local producers to preserve their livelihood due to quarantined areas, difficult transport connections and the risk of transmitting the infection during transport, the post says.

In art. 2 of the Decree adopted determines the rules for raw milk and the supply of dairy products, since it is in the process of change after coordination with interested parties.

The measures introduced do not distort competition and the internal market, but benefit the consumer without prejudice to the rules. They were adopted in unprecedented and global health, economic and even commercial crisis conditions, said the Ministry of Agriculture.

They add that they will send a reasoned opinion to the European Commission on time.

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