They die from coronavirus or coronavirus, a strong disagreement of experts with Mutafchiiski and the WHO

[ad_1] contacted Dr. Aleksov for two reasons. The first: his interview for the “Law and Health” portal, whose face is Dr. Stoycho Katsarov. The second, the opinion of the Chief of the General Staff of National Operations (NOS), Prof. Major General Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski, whose specialty, however, is abdominal surgery, is manipulative in saying that one does not die of coronavirus.

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Coronavirus infection does not lead to death.“said Dr. Aleksov in his conversation with Dr. Stoycho Katsarov, in which he shared his experience of the 16th European Congress of Pathology, held online yesterday (May 13). You can listen to a full recording at the end of the interview article . But in fact, this statement itself, without context, can literally be taken in the wrong direction..
In a conversation with, Dr. Aleksov clarified his thesis: that Due to strong unexpressed pressure from the World Health Organization (WHO), autopsies of fatally completed cases with established coronaviruses are very difficult to perform.. Therefore, in your opinion and, in your words, the opinions of your colleagues in Europe, it is not possible to draw a complete picture of how deadly the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus really is and even if it is deadly at all. Where is the problem, who is doing it, asked Dr. Aleksov a rhetorical question with the recipient of the WHO!
He clarified to that He learned of pressure from the WHO from colleagues at the German Association of Pathologists, who received a provision in the event of a death with a diagnosed coronavirus infection to be considered as primary reason for death from coronavirus infection. This is not medical so the last information link on the health image is missing – How this works, say Dr. Aleksov’s German colleagues. Leading to wrong decisions, the doctor agreed with We remind you that two American doctors, whose press conference on “coronavirus” was repeatedly downloaded from YouTube, said about the pressure on what to officially consider as the leading cause of death for those diagnosed with coronavirus, remember HERE!

Dr. Aleksov explicitly clarified: when we are not talking about an obvious cause of death (say a bullet to the head, a knife to the heart), and the fatal result comes, for example, after illness, then there is a series of reasons. To establish the exact mechanism that leads to a fatal end, the pathologist plays the main role, that is. The last resort in medicine! In Bulgaria, these people, as well as infectious disease specialists, immunologists, have long been forgotten, in their own words in the following video. Dr. Aleksov’s professional opinion is that the autopsy of a deceased person with coronavirus in the laboratory should be carried out in a team: a pathologist, an infectious disease specialist, as well as specialists in other diseases for which the patient has been complained (for example, if there is cancer, diabetes, etc., to go to the corresponding specialist). This is how the exact image that led to death is “painted”.
“The problem is in the deceased patients: their relatives and friends ask questions about why others have been cured and our relatives have not,” said Dr. Aleksov. In conversation with Dr. Katsarov, he explained what was said at the Congress of European Pathologists: that No monoclonal antibody to the coronavirus has yet been found to mark and distinguish the image from that of other viral infections, an Italian experiment.. There were no specific pathomorphological signs of coronavirus lesions in human tissues., he said on the basis shared by his colleagues from abroad during the European Congress of Pathologists.

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According to …

Autopsy results of people diagnosed with coronavirus must be scientifically studied, scientifically debated in a wide international circle, is the thesis of Dr. Aleksov. He told that there is no absolutely healthy person: autopsy and biopsy materials reveal the picture of symptoms in life and how injuries to the body correspond to symptoms. And give a simple example: a patient dies of a myocardial infarction, but an autopsy shows that this heart attack is due to problems with liver enzymes and / or other enzymes, and / or metabolism, and / or hormonal problems, and / or infectious effect – chlamydia. “The human body is a chain with a chain,” said Dr. Alexiev.

Where is the place of SARS-CoV-2 in these chains and in the processes that take place? This must be clarified! Particular attention should be paid to deceased older people, especially in Western Europe, where we are talking about a large number of such people. “Here are the Bulgarian cases: one had cardiomegaly, that is, 900 grams of heart, which is 3 times more than normal, the other had cirrhosis with hepatitis, the third had long-standing diabetes,” the doctor said, emphasizing, so in a banal A viral infection that has killed a younger person who does not have such problems should have an infectious disease specialist present at autopsy to explain everything. The role of the immunologist is also very important (for the explanation and where immunity is poor): we do not see it in Bulgaria, and they are extremely important, in the pathologist’s opinion.
Dr. Aleksov shared something else: to get information from Austria, but not only that In several cases diagnosed with coronavirus, the use of a respirator was unnecessary – Autopsy tested. There should have been symptomatic treatment, another medical approach – this was shown in the autopsy image, and it’s not just a treatment. In other words – if it is based on the experience we already have, that is. deaths, autopsies clarify the whole picture and examine what symptoms the patient had during his life and what injuries they caused, then treatment in subsequent patients with such symptoms can be much more successful, because literally doctors will better understand what the patient’s body is he says and they will be able to give a more adequate answer!! Here is the role of the initial experience, from China, and how reliable it is, see the point!
When asked what he would do about the anti-epidemic measures, if he had the powers, Dr. Aleksov was categorical: he cannot depend on a person. “I would make a decision when I had the opinion of colleagues, lungs, colleagues, infectious diseases, colleagues, immunologists, that is, you can never have an expert opinion. We meet, we make a conference call with Italy, Spain, Germany, with the experts relevant, to see what they have done, what their problems are, to discuss them at each level, starting with the clinic, who died, how they died, why they died, what we saw, “explained the doctor in front of And specify: it is better to listen to other people’s opinion, and then you can comply. We cannot comply.
“We have to be absolutely unceremonious about diagnoses, because they can be verified after 100, after 200, after 300 years,” the doctor told Law and Health about the work of pathologists:

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