Home Hospitals Execute Dangerous Slap In The Face With Coronavirus


At the Regional Health Inspectorate in the capital we receive many signals. We also have ones for hospitals that return patients without COVID-19. This was stated by the director of the RHI in Sofia, Dr. Dancho Penchev, during a meeting at the Military Medical Academy with the heads of the medical institutions in Sofia, the Monitor newspaper reported.

Sofia RHI director Dr. Dancho Penchev

“Patients should not pay for coronavirus positivity or denial tests,” said Dr. Penchev.

According to him, the opinion of both hospital directors and the headquarters and the RHI of the capital is that in no way should patients be divided into those with coronavirus or patients with another disease and suspected of having coronavirus.

“Each head of a medical institution has an individual responsibility and must create an organization within the medical institution to avoid such problems,” said Dr. Penchev.

In turn, the director of the “Pirogov” Prof. Asen Baltov announced the results of a new study by the European Center for Infectious Diseases, which shows that the average rate of infected staff in Europe is 13.6%. The highest values ​​are shown in Ireland, where 29.9% of cases are from infected medical personnel.

Professor Asen Baltov announced surprising results of mandatory PCR tests for patients’ COVID-19 at “Pirogov”

“So that may not sound like an excuse, but our indicators, which currently remain at 11% in Bulgaria, are the so-called golden environment,” said Professor Baltov.

Pirogov has been conducting PCR tests on all patients requiring hospitalization for two days.

“For the first two days, we have not identified an infectious agent. I hope this will continue in the future, because it is, after all, a wall of prevention and protection, both for staff and for other patients entering the hospital,” he explained. Professor Baltov. He specified that the tests were at Pirogov’s expense.

“I think Bulgaria has handled and continues to handle this situation very well.” The measures taken were extremely timely.

They did their job thanks to all the Bulgarians who complied with these measures for two months. This discipline has had an effect and it is no coincidence that we have so few deaths. However, this does not mean that there is almost no coronavirus infection, because if you come to Pirogov or ask my colleagues who are currently infected and under treatment, you will understand that there is an infection and it is not a simple flu.

But thanks to the measures and the fact that they gradually dissolve, there is a result. You can see that everything is well thought out and the transition to a more normal pace of life is going smoothly. This is the way, because the disease will not disappear and we will have to learn to live with it, “said Professor Asen Baltov.
