Todor Batkov signaled a legal measure for Levski’s actions – BG football


Former Levski owner Todor Batkov said there was a possibility that the shares handed over by Georgi Popov to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov could be invalidated. This is a procedure that can be activated by most of the Blue Bulgaria Trust. It can start at the call of a General Meeting.

“Levski can function to convene a General Assembly, in which the majority of the Blue Bulgaria Trust can decide to invalidate Mr. Popov’s actions. Such a possibility is provided for in the statute,” Batkov told Nova TV. However, he clarified that this procedure is extremely difficult. It must go through the Commercial Registry, and then within a period of 3 months, the creditors have the opportunity to challenge said exemption, since this movement reduces their guarantee.

Batkov made a curious comparison regarding the delivery of the shares by courier to Bulgaria. “By this logic, Georgi Popov can endorse the actions of Vladimir Putin or Bill Gates, and the courier can be DHL, for example. Does that make Bill Gates or Vladimir Putin the owners of the shares?” Batkov asked rhetorically. .

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