Why are there so few deaths from COVID-19 in Russia?


Russia is in second in the world in the number of infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19), but it has been recorded 10 times less dead compared to the United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain. Many wonder: why mortality in the country is so low?

Critics have accused the Russian authorities of do not correctly report the number of victimsto minimize the scale of the crisis by finding it hard to believethat the country’s health system is better managed than that of the United States and Western Europe.

The authorities denied having falsified the data, stating that they only report the deceased, whose death is directly caused by the coronavirus and that since the pandemic came to Russia later, it has been successful draw lessons from the Western European experience.

According to experts, demographic factors also play a role, including that there are far fewer adults in Russia People who are particularly vulnerable to the virus, AFP notes.

Infected with Kovid-19 in Russia for the first time less than 10,000 since May 2

Infected with Kovid-19 in Russia for the first time less than 10,000 since May 2

Another 93 people died in one day, increasing to 2,305

These are some of the reasons why Russia has registered far fewer victims than countries with similar levels of infection.

Russia currently has 252,245 infected, of which 2,305 have died. This places him only behind the US. USA In the number of infected, but in 18th place in the world in total deaths and 58th in victims per 1 million inhabitants.

Some question the figures after the figures released this week showed an increase in deaths in April in Moscow above the number reported to be related to the coronavirus.

The data shows that Moscow recorded a total of 11,846 deaths last month, 1,841 more than in April last year, but only 639 died of coronavirus.

Russia has banned respirators in hospitals

Russia has banned respirators in hospitals

Due to the fire, which killed six patients.

City health officials yesterday denied any manipulation, saying “comparing mortality monthly is inappropriate and is not clear evidence of any trends.”

In fact, there was a similar increase in mortality in Moscow in January 2019, March 2018, and January 2017.

And the most important thing, according to the city government, was that Russia’s method of registering coronavirus victims differs of uses in some other countries.

Some countries report that anyone who died while infected, the total number of deaths, others include cases where the virus is suspected to have played a role, and some report only victims directly caused by complications of the virus.

Russia is on the conservative end of the scale and is registering victims of the coronavirus, only when death can be directly linked, most often through pneumonia.

Russia also haunts the United States in the number of patients with coronavirus

Russia also haunts the United States in the number of patients with coronavirus

10,899 newly diagnosed per day, a total of 232,243 patients

“If someone dies of a heart attack but has been diagnosed with COVID-19, the official cause of death would be a heart attack“says Sergei Timonin, demographer at the Moscow School of Economics, adding:” In other words, Not all deaths of people infected with coronaviruses will be recorded as victims of coronaviruses.

Health officials in Moscow said that in autopsies carried out on the dead, suspected of being infected with the coronavirus, 60 percent died of other causes, such as heart attack and stroke, cancer, and other terminal diseases.

Russia has one of the highest levels of coronavirus testing in the world, with approximately 6 million tests.

So, although the total number of infected is very large, almost half of the registered infected: 46.5 percent – are among people who show no symptoms.

Moscow launches free mass citizen tests

Moscow launches free mass citizen tests

Initially up to 100,000 people per day with the possibility of up to 200,000

Authorities say the sheer amount of testing has also allowed authorities to identify and isolate more people with the virus, which helps to prevent its spread to people at risk.

Life expectancy in Russia has plummeted since the collapse of the Soviet Union, nearly wiping out the generation most affected by the virus in other countries.

Only 14.6 percent of Russians are over 65, compared to 23 percent in Italy and 19.3 percent in Spain.

In Italy, people over the age of 70 represent 39 percent of those registered and 79 percent of the deceased. In Spain, they represent 50 percent of hospitalizations and 86 percent of victims.

Russia has not yet released such statistics for the entire country, but in Moscow, those over 65 accounted for only 16 percent of those infected from May 1.

The country also has Much fewer seniors in nursing homesThey have become hot spots for infections and victims in many countries.

Russia counted just 290,000 places in officially registered nursing homes in 2018 for a population of 146 million people. In 2015, France had around 700,000 people in nursing homes for a population of 67 million. Of the 27,000 people who died from the virus in France, 10,000 were in nursing homes.

Russia says another reason for its lower mortality is that seeing what happened elsewhere before the infected jumped, it was managed to adapt their hospitals to the coronavirus in time.

Medical workers expressed concern about the equipment, including the lack of new protective equipment for doctors and new respiratory equipment, which caused deadly fires in St. Petersburg and Moscow hospitals.

However, authorities rushed to turn hospitals and clinics into treatment centers for the virus, and the number of beds for those infected increased from 29,000 to more than 140,000 in weeks. As of May 13, about 30 percent of beds are still available.
