EC Wants Answers on Retail Chain Obligation to Sell Local Products


Within a month, Bulgaria must respond to the European Commission’s request for a measure to support local production.. This was made clear from a statement by the European Commission.

The EC is sending a notification letter to Bulgaria on the measures imposed on retailers for a more favorable treatment of local food products. The EC letter is at the address Internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs..

The measure to support local production, contested by large retail chains, also has the backing of the EC. The European Commission interprets support for local producers as restricting the free movement of goods under Article 34 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

National producers want to control margins

National producers want to control margins

Import ban on domestically produced products.

“Legislation also restricts the freedom of establishment under Article 49 TFEU, as it restricts the freedom of retailers to choose their range, determine the order of their sales areas and adapt their supply chain. Bulgaria has one month to respond to the Commission’s concerns. If you do not receive a satisfactory answer, the European Commission may decide to send a reasoned opinion to Bulgaria“he writes from the EC.

Since The Ministry of Agriculture and Food responded immediately. of the notification from the EC with the request that the measure does not affect the free movement of goodsproduced in other countries. A reasoned opinion will be sent to the European Commission in due course.

The decree issued on the basis of the Law of Measures and Actions during the State of Emergency, does not foresee prohibitions and restrictions on the supply of products from the EU Member States and third countries. Previous deliveries are not affected in any way. at points of sale for products imported from other countries and products that can be offered in the market in all points of sale in the country.

The emergency measures were taken through the Council of Ministers adopted № 70 measures at the national level, whose objective is to guarantee and facilitate consumer access to the products of regional (local) producers. The actions of the ministry are intended to support Bulgarian production, from small local producers to preserve their livelihood due to quarantined areas, difficult transport links and the risk of transmission of the infection during transport, the Ministry of Agriculture said.

The measures introduced not distort competition and the internal market, and are for the benefit of the user, without prejudice to the rules. They are accepted in the conditions of an unprecedented global health, economic and even trade crisis.

In art. 2 of the Decree adopted will be determined standards for raw milk and for the supply of dairy productsand, as it is in the process of changing after consulting with stakeholders, the MAFW notes.

For Bulgaria there are procedures, except for the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs, and on the environment and fisheries, mobility and transport, competitiveness. Our country must explain why it did not provide information on parking spaces, the timely information system on the road situation, etc. Here are the details:

As for the ongoing infringement procedures, which have started since the beginning of the year, the European Commission has doubled the response period. Legal actions are against Member States that do not fulfill their obligations under EU law. The reason for the extended deadline is the measures taken against the spread of COVID-19, specified by the EC.

The Commission will provide Member States with the opportunity to respond to any formal notification letter and reasoned opinion on open infringement procedures, within a time limit. four months instead of the usual two months.

From the Commission we call on Bulgaria and Poland to facilitate access to justice to challenge air quality.

None of the countries has guaranteed that natural or legal persons directly affected by air pollution under Directive 2008/50 / EC can go to national courts. For that today the commission decided to send formal notification letters to both countries.

The Commission also urges Bulgaria and three other Member States to ensure that urban wastewater is collected and treated properly in accordance with the requirements of Directive 91/271 / EEC on the treatment of urban wastewater.

Bulgaria has not provided a sewerage system in 48 large agglomerations, in 69 large agglomerations it does not guarantee that urban wastewaterwho enter sewage systems are subject to appropriate treatment.

For 71 large agglomerations, Bulgaria does not guarantee that urban wastewater enters sewage systems and they are poured into sensitive areas, subjected to stricter purification. All these agglomerations had to meet the requirements before December 31, 2010. Therefore, the Commission sent a reasoned opinion.

Community provisions for Energy and climate The Commission sends notification letters to all EU Member States as they have not complied with some of the provisions of the Gas Supply Security Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1938), in particular with regard to the obligations of notification and The implementation of the solidarity mechanism. Only Cyprus will not receive such letters in view of the exception enjoyed by this country and the United Kingdom..

About the sector Mobility and transportation The EC has sent official notification letters to 10 Member States, including Bulgaria. They want a response from the EC for the incorrect application of road information rules related to road safety. on the roads defined in the Delegated Regulation (EU) № 886/2013, adopted under the Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).

Due to the lack or inaccurate notification in real time of the traffic on the road, in the direction Smart transportnotification letters were sent to Bulgaria and six other Member States. The reason: incorrect application of EU rules for the provision of real-time traffic information services across the EU, as set out in Delegated Regulation (EU) № 2015/962, adopted under the Intelligent Transportation Systems Directive (ITS).

Notification letters were also sent to Bulgaria and 10 other Member States due to incorrect application of the EU rules on multimodal travel set out in Delegated Regulation (EU) № 2017/1926.

Today you decide Bulgaria and six other countries will receive notification letters for lack of information on safe parking. In particular, these Member States did not provide through national access points information in digital format about parking spaces (for example, location of parking areas and facilities and facilities available), as well as in parking spaces that provide dynamic information (for example, availability of parking spaces or priority areas). This is required by Regulation (EU) № 885/2013, which was adopted under the Directive on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), writes the EC.

Bulgaria and 11 other EU countries must explain why they do not provide or operate line services. for data transmission to all aircraft operators operating in airspace under their responsibility In accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) № 29/2009, each Member State must provide these services.

About civil Aviation 11 Member States, including Bulgaria, will receive letters explaining why they do not have a “culture of justice body” in accordance with Regulation (EU) № 376/2014.

The positive news for Bulgaria is in the field of competition.. The European Commission terminates the procedure against Bulgariaand the assignment of frequencies for digital terrestrial television (DTT). Our country has acted in response to the Commission’s concerns regarding compliance with the Competition Directive (2002/77 / EC), the Authorization Directive (2002/20 / EC) and the Framework Directive (2002/21 / EC) .
