From tomorrow until June 14, an emergency epidemic situation is declared in the country.


Boyko Borisov

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and members of the Cabinet of Ministers held an extraordinary government meeting via video conference.

A decision was made to declare an emergency epidemic situation from May 14, 2020 to June 14, 2020, the press center of the Cabinet announced.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a serious national and global public health emergency and represents an immediate threat to the life and health of citizens. The disease puts the public health system in an emergency situation, in which the timely response and the introduction of measures to reduce the risk of spread, as well as the possibility of its change and adaptation according to new scientific data on the disease and its cause is necessary and extremely important.

After an evaluation of the epidemic risk existing in Bulgaria by the Chief State Inspector of Health and the imminent danger established for the life and health of citizens, there are circumstances that determine that the Minister of Health proposes the declaration of emergency.
