The minister’s orders have no legal basis as of today, they can open all


Today, shopping malls, gyms, and restaurants can resume operations. Schools and kindergartens can open their doors. This is possible because as of today Bulgaria is not in a state of emergency. Lawyers cited by explain that the orders of the Minister of Health, which imposed restrictions as of today, have no legal basis.

The orders were in relation to the declared state of emergency. The authorities decided to lift the state of emergency to calm the psychological society. However, to impose measures against the epidemic, yesterday the deputies finally adopted amendments to the Health Law, with which the Council of Ministers will declare an epidemic situation at the suggestion of the Minister of Health and, therefore, the state will have a mechanism legal to impose restrictions.

However, the law has yet to be enacted and, therefore, there is no legal mechanism to impose restrictive measures, according to lawyers. This loophole means that today citizens cannot wear masks on public transportation, and any fine imposed on them will be illegal, can be appealed in court and will definitely not face Themis.

The amendments to the Health Law approved yesterday must be promulgated by the head of state. According to, however, the law has yet to be introduced into the office of the presidency.

Sofia, Bulgaria
