One of the first measures directed at local authorities is the provision of sponsorship care for single people. BGN 44,000 will be given for this purpose, announced the Deputy Minister for Social Affairs, Zornitsa Rusinova.
Zornitsa Rusinova has a master’s degree in International Economic Relations from the University of.
She explained to BNT that each municipality provides funds to help the elderly. He noted that there are also cases of people infected in social homes abroad.
“Employees are the biggest challenge. There are many volunteers. Some of the day care centers cannot work, their staff can be used for home care,” said Rusinova.
When asked about the 60:40 measure, he said: it reaches people. It is mainly aimed at companies that cannot work at all or are reduced
There are over 160,000 people for whom businesses have applied. We have slowed unemployment growth by 5%, stressed Rusinova.
The purpose of the measure is not to fire employees, he added. Rusinova said the companies they applied were diverse. And remember that this is not the only measure. The move for micro and small businesses begins next week. Micro loans are foreseen.
Close to 96,000 are unemployed, approximately 3,000 people register daily. Their profile is of people with secondary and higher education. The unemployed are mainly found in big cities. Rusinova expressed the hope that these people will return to work very soon.