Xi Jinping silenced the WHO chief on COVID-19


Xi Jinping and the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adanom Gebreyesus

Chinese President Xi Jinping personally ordered the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adanom Gebreyesus, to delay the warning to the world about COVID-19, Der Spiegel reported. The publication refers to a secret report by German intelligence.

According to information, on January 21, the Chinese leader called Gebreyesus with a request not to reveal that the virus is transmitted from person to person and to postpone the warning of a pandemic. German intelligence estimates that China’s secret information policy has lost four to six weeks around the world to combat the virus.

The WHO described the allegations as unfounded and false.

However, the report also notes that China has not allowed the virus to go public, while increasing imports and reducing exports of medical supplies. Beijing has also covered its tracks by destroying early samples of the virus and removing any mention of the disease on the Internet.

If the allegations turn out to be true, they would reinforce the opinion of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, that the WHO is oriented to China. Back in April, Trump announced that the WHO was becoming a tool for Chinese propaganda and stopped funding the organization.

A Chinese scientist warned of a coronavirus pandemic in March 2019. Shi Chengli, known as the Bat Woman for her cave expeditions to collect samples of nocturnal mammals, said in a report that there was a possibility of a coronavirus outbreak. In the document, she wrote that it will originate from bats and take place in China.

Chengli, who also worked on SARS in 2002, said the Chinese food culture of eating raw animals could increase viral transmission.
