New Alarming Signs of Mysterious Syndrome in Children Associated with COVID-19


New alarms have been reported about a mysterious disease that is dangerous for children and is related to COVID-19 in the international media. They come from New York, where Governor Andrew Cuomo said the mysterious illness had killed three young children and affected 73 others.

He said it was an alarming increase in a phenomenon first discovered earlier this week, the New York Times quoted the US newspaper as saying.

The syndrome, an inflammation similar to toxic shock that affects the skin, eyes, blood vessels, and heart, can severely affect children, and some patients require mechanical ventilation. Many of the symptoms bear some resemblance to a rare childhood disease called Kawasaki disease, which can lead to inflammation of the blood vessels, especially the coronary arteries.

“The disease has claimed the lives of three young New Yorkers,” Cuomo said during a daily briefing in Manhattan. “This is new. This is evolving. The virus surprises us,” BTA told the mayor.

So far, parents and public health experts have discovered that coronavirus and the disease it causes, COVID-19, largely spares children the worst effects of the infection, which has killed more than 4 million people. around the world.

Concerns increased after a 5-year-old boy in New York died of what doctors described as “pediatric multisystemic inflammatory syndrome.”

Several other cases have been reported in other states, including Louisiana, Mississippi, and California.

At least 50 cases have been reported in European countries, including Britain, France, Switzerland, Spain, and Italy.

Governor Cuomo said many of the children, some of them very young, did not show the respiratory symptoms often associated with the coronavirus when they entered the hospital, but all tested positive for COVID-19 or its antibodies.

“So the situation is still developing a lot, but this is a serious situation,” he added.

A mysterious illness among children. Is there a connection to the coronavirus?

The state will work with the New York Genome Center and Rockefeller University to determine what is causing the disease, which Cuomo described as “really disturbing.”

“We were left with the impression that the youth were not affected by COVID-19, and that was really good news,” said Cuomo. “We still have a lot to learn about this virus.”

The governor asked parents to be vigilant for symptoms such as prolonged fever, severe abdominal pain, skin discoloration, severe heart and chest pain.

New York is the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic in the United States. The state accounts for more than a third of the country’s more than 77,000 deaths, Reuters and BTA reported.
