Kunchev: Assoc. Prof. Mangarov is entitled to his opinion – Topics in development


“I was one of the people who insisted on the first steps to alleviate the situation. It is not adventurous, but a matter of balancing the main objective that we set ourselves: to control the infection, but still without losing all the side effects. And about the people’s mental state. And about economic life. And about how quickly things will return in the economy and in personal life, “the state’s chief health inspector, associate of Professor Angel Kunchev, told NOVA.

“This pandemic has changed everyone’s lives. Unlike other diseases, which suffer separate groups, there is no one here who has not felt it in some way.”

Dr. Kunchev with a comment on the cause of death of the doctor with two negative tests

“There is very little chance of contracting the virus from contaminated surfaces, although outdoors, in sunlight, this is unlikely,” said Kunchev, adding that the ban on sitting on benches is intended to limit close contact. among strangers.

“There is nothing wrong with two people in a family. There is no reason to punish them,” said Kunchev.

“Sometimes we try to control personal irresponsibility with common measures. But this should not be a punishment for the whole of society, because many people and I sincerely thank you, not only do we follow the rules and recommendations, but we even follow them above what we recommend, “said Kunchev. “Thanks to these people, we are in this position.”

“God forbid that others should prevail, whose first thought when we announce a measure is how to violate it.”

Kunchev showed sympathy for the Bulgarians returning ill from abroad, but criticized his attempts to cover up his condition and subsequent family gatherings.

“I was more optimistic two weeks ago, although there were more new cases than now. I keep saying that there will be a self-limiting infection sooner or later. Of course, no one can say when. But these infections typically occur. I don’t like the fact that many people have seen the easing of measures as the end of the situation. It is definitely not the end, “said Kunchev.

“If what happened at Vidin happened in Bulgaria, it would be a tragedy.” Yes, it will not be the Italian version. It was even more tragic. Neither New York nor English. But it will be very difficult, “said Kunchev.

Dr. Kunchev: Don’t be too quick to cancel the reservations for the sea.

“> Dr. Kunchev: Do not rush to cancel the reserves for the sea

According to him, it is very likely that the situation in Vidin will be repeated elsewhere and very strict measures will be imposed.

“In the end, we will still be able to control the infection, but it will be much slower and with more victims,” ​​Kunchev said.

“Asoc. Mangarov is entitled to his opinion. In my opinion, everything that happens in the world refutes it almost every day.”

“If we allow groups of 20, 30, 50 people to be in close contact and meet in restaurants, new fires will inevitably start and this will lead to restrictions. Anyone can go to the sea. Everyone can go to the beach within 2-3 meters. from the other person, “said Kunchev.
