The cause of the terrible plague of COVID-19 on the island has been revealed


Britain has outstripped all European countries in the number of coronavirus victims. More than 31,000 people died from the disease, making the country the most affected country in Europe. According to official data from the Johns Hopkins Institute, the death statistics in the world are highest only in the United States.

The news was officially announced yesterday at a press conference by the British government, AFP reported, quoted by

Britain is also the country that took late action against the coronaworm, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson initially deciding to fight the spread by creating collective immunity and freer measures. After the boom, measures tightened, but it was obviously too late.

Environment Minister George Justice reported 626 new deaths from the new coronavirus in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths to 31,241.

The number would have topped 32,000 in late April if you add the number of people killed, but the cases have not been confirmed by a test, according to official statistics.

Health officials in England announced that a six-week-old baby died from the virus, the youngest victim in the country so far.

In anticipation of a speech by Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday night about a slight easing of measures in England, the Minister for the Environment called on the British to respect the restrictions and stay home despite the good weather and the long weekend.

Italy and England are followed by Italy. Today, it became the third country in the world to record more than 30,000 deaths, Reuters and AFP reported. The total death toll is already 30,201, said the Civil Protection Service. In the last 24 hours, 243 deaths were recorded compared to 274 the previous day.

The number of new infections in Italy in the last 24 hours has decreased slightly to 1,327. There were 1,401 yesterday, and the total number of confirmed cases since the beginning of the epidemic is 217,185, ranking the country in third place in the world. after the United States and Spain.
The total number of carriers of the infection in Italy has dropped in the last 24 hours to 87,961 from 89,624 yesterday.

Of the total 1,168 people infected in the last 24 hours, they were in intensive care units compared to 1,311 yesterday, marking a long-term downward trend. The number of cured in the last 24 hours amounted to 99,023 compared to 96,276 yesterday.

“The curve is decreasing … and the data is positive. There are regions with a significant distribution, but also those with a medium and low distribution,” said the president of the Superior Institute of Health Silvio Bruzafero, quoted by AFP. “However, we are moving towards fewer cases in all regions, including Lombardy,” he added. According to him, from 10 to 12 percent of the officially registered victims of the epidemic, the main cause of death is another pathology.

According to the Johns Hopkins Institute, 26,070 people have died in Spain, the third largest coronavirus.

Russia is the fourth with more than 187,000 victims. And the United States, where President Donald Trump is looking at how the virus originated in China, ranks unprecedented in the first place with 272,286 deaths.

