Bozhkov from Dubai: I have no money, but I have friends. Rich! (General description)


They gave him a million, 2, 5 ..

He was imprisoned for 2-3 weeks, but now he lived freely in an apartment without security.

Entrepreneur Vasil Bozhkov, wanted by the prosecutor’s office, lives alone in a rented apartment in Dubai. In an interview with BTV, he said on Friday that he was ready to return to Bulgaria, but at the “right time” when the case against him went to court.

There are 11 charges against Bozhkov. The main ones are that since January 2014 he has led a criminal group for coercion, extortion, official crimes, money laundering and influence peddling, attempted bribery.

“I’m fine. Now I have no money or anything, but I have quite wealthy friends. They give me a million, 2, 5. They are not Bulgarians. None of the Bulgarians dared to speak to me,” Bozhkov said. He claims that there are no properties in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). He was arrested in late January. He was in Al Ahbar prison for 2-3 weeks.

His state in Dubai is resident. With him was the majority shareholder of “Levski” Georgi Popov. Since 2014, Bulgarian citizens have entered the Arab Federation without visas. Foreigners with a resident visa are entitled to permanent residence for 1 to 3 years, they can leave the UAE, but not more than 6 months.

“He had no access to a phone, no communication with the outside world, and that was special. He did not have a prison number, in a word, it did not exist,” Bozhkov said. According to him, when they discovered “what things really are” in Dubai, they released him. No restrictions were imposed on him. He also had no security. I was worried about returning to our country because I did not know if I would physically survive.

“Bulgaria is not a state governed by the rule of law, it is governed by the board at the moment,” Bozhkov said, denying being in contact with the heads of the gaming commission.

“All my contacts in this business have been with Vladi Goranov personally, of which I have innumerable proofs. I had no contact with the commission, he did not allow it. And in this situation, where is the violation of the law? They go out and They say: “There is an interpretation, there is no interpretation.” The law is not interpreted, but it is enforced. Here the trick is in the rules of the game. According to some rules, the tax is one, under other rules, another. that’s why the lottery paid one tax and we paid another, “Bozhkov said. He added that his company’s accounts were seized without an effective audit law.

“Why does Borissov justify that the seizures are from the prosecutor’s office?” The arrests are from Goranov’s National Revenue Agency. What do you want to sweep, what do you want to hide? Ask her. It is time for him to resign, “the prime minister attacked the businessman. (See Borisov’s position below in the text.) According to him, the state gave up slightly the 500 million, which “we paid in the budget to invent nonexistent debts of 700 million or one billion.” In addition to Borisov, Bozhkov also directly attacked the prosecutor’s office, the State Agency for National Security and the National Revenue Agency, using comparisons with “murmurs and bats.”

“The prosecution will not comment on the accusations of the accused,” said Ivan Geshev spokeswoman Siika Mileva.

The investigated businessman recalled the chronology of the adoption of the law on gambling: on October 29, 2014, Georgi Kadiev presented a change proposal, which on November 19, 2014 was rejected. There is a provision in Kadiev’s law that a 20% state fee applies to poker games, 20% of the collection of fees and participation fees. On November 26, Menda Stoyanova introduced the same law, allowing 20% ​​of fees and commissions charged to be taxed on all games of chance. (What she said, see below). This law was adopted on December 5. After listing the facts, Bozhkov called Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev to investigate: “If not, then he is a bat.”

In response to the attack, Goranov recalled that Bozhkov owed the state BGN 700 million in unpaid fees. (See the Minister’s position below). On this occasion, the company of the businessman “Nove Holding” later stated that such a thing can only be established by the court.

Bozhkov also said that his relatives were innocent and were being held hostage. However, she regularly spoke to her son. The businessman denied that former pop singer LiLana was his attorney.

Borisov Goranov did not hide: he saw Bozhkov many times

“Before me, Vladislav Goranov never claimed that he did not know Vasil Bozhkov. On the contrary, he has seen him many times as a representative of the largest gambling operator. This is what Prime Minister Boyko Borissov told Sega.

“Every qualification in Bozhkov’s mouth is a compliment to me,” added the prime minister, referring to the businessman’s words that Borissov has in common between the times of Mutren and the present.

“What do we take away? Do we take away a factory or a company?” It’s just that gambling has become state-owned and its proceeds go to sports, “the prime minister said of Bozhkov’s accusations that the state had taken his business away from him.

Borissov categorically rejected the suggestions that GERB first imposed the texts that allowed gambling to save taxes, and then withdrew. “You know the law that wrote it in 2014 and 2015. Then the game was completely lost. We introduced fees. The fact that the commission did not comply with the law … Everyone is already charged,” he said.

Goranov: I didn’t say I didn’t know him

Bozhkov is another wealthy Bulgarian who hides from justice and uses the media for his defenses, Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov told parliament in response to the businessman’s accusations.

“I have never claimed that I do not know Mr. Bozhkov. I met him, Valentin Zlatev and Kiril Domuschiev, all successful businessmen in Bulgaria. But every Bulgarian citizen must comply with the law, not flee from institutions. Despite the experience of the suggestions, I have no claims to Mr. Bozhkov except one. In all the years he was involved in the gambling business, he or his employees violated the gambling law by declaring and paying less fees, “said Goranov.

And he explained that he had seen Bozhkov on only two issues: the regulation of game advertising and the equalization of online gambling regimes with running game. It is not my fault that your employees, along with members of the gaming commission, misapplied the law, as a result of which BGN 700 million was owed. If you received a “query” from me not to pay taxes, please give it a try. and then I will assume my responsibility, not just politics, “added the minister.

Goranov asked Bozhkov to pay the taxes due. Then he would have the moral and legal grounds to claim the continuation of his business before the Gambling Commission.

Menda Stoyanova: Sorry, Mr. Bozhkov. But the prime minister is not a liar!


– Ms. Stoyanova, in Vasil Bozhkov’s interview and in a letter to the “Nove Holding” media, is mentioned as a presenter of changes in the law on gambling. A history of the changes is also given. You have a comment

– I also want to do a retrospective, like him. But let’s start not from 2014, but from 2013, when the ruling majority of BSP and MRF made changes to the gambling law, imposing equal taxation of online and offline gambling, by 20% over the difference between the value of bets made and winnings paid When considering the project in the National Assembly in November-December 2013, Georgi Kadiev and several other BSP MPs proposed that offline play, which includes land play, will be taxed with a 20% tax, but on bets made. What really aggravated the offline government operators of the then government. Kadiev’s proposal was accepted in the hall, but as usual, the devil is in the details.

– What are they in this case?

– In this proposal, when the types of offline game are listed, the lottery, the draw, the bingo, the keno and their varieties are “lost”. Therefore, since January 1, 2014, when the amendment went into effect, in practice these betting games have been exempt from a budget fee.

– How long does this tax haven serve you?

– At the end of 2014, after the GERB came to power with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, the parliamentary group in my person makes a proposal to add to the text of the notorious Art. 30, para. 3, namely traditional lottery, raffle, instant lottery, keno, bingo and its varieties. Therefore, from January 1, 2015 until now, these games must pay a 20% tax on bets.

– This can be proved with transcripts, but this does not prevent Bozhkov from accusing the Prime Minister of lying.

– The fact that Mr. Borisov is lying is obviously not true, sorry, Mr. Bozhkov. And I wonder how long we will have to explain each unsubstantiated statement released in the media. It is very easy for anyone who wants to verify the issue, enter any information system and verify the history of the texts of the law on gambling, from 2012, when it came into force, until now. In addition to carefully reading the text, which clearly establishes how and how much lotteries should be taxed.

– Is there no ambiguity in the final text or an opportunity for interpretation that allows the company to choose what is most favorable to it?

– I affirm that there is no such possibility. And this would be clear to anyone reading the article in question. If Bozhkov’s lawyers have suggested that a broad interpretation can be done, you should look for unpaid fees in their budget to transfer them to the state.

– What is the purpose of such easily refutable statements?

– To defend your position. And since the best defense is attack, Bozhkov calls the prime minister a liar, which is not the case, and this is obvious to everyone. It is also attacking the Minister of Finance, who, to be honest, is nowhere in this story.
