At 6:16 pm, a blocking signal was received in which Milen Tsvetkov diedMilen Tsvetkov was born on July 30, 1966 in Sofia.
He was killed in an accident on April 19, 2020.
It’s over.18: 18 was dictated by a team, and at 18:23, the emergency was at the scene of the incident. Katya Sungarska, spokesperson for the Sofia Emergency Medical Aid Center, said this morning on the BTV block.
“There is a technology behind why the accident has been delayed since the accident. Eventually, the alert was given immediately. The emergency team risked their lives in those 5 minutes,” he said.
An emergency spokesperson revealed that the same team had gone for a coronavirus case, but they were returned due to a serious traffic accident.
“A man, unknown for a long time, in a very serious condition, in a coma, was found at the scene of the accident. When the team arrived, they saw people who had given him artificial respiration. Milen Tsvetkov’s conditionMilen Tsvetkov was born on July 30, 1966 in Sofia.
He was killed in an accident on April 19, 2020.
It’s over he didn’t even allow himself to be intubated, “said Katya Sungarska.
“Our team found him on his back, which is not good for his condition. He must be on one side with one leg bent. These are basic rules for obtaining a first medical opportunity,” he added.
An emergency spokesman revealed that in the past 24 hours, there have been five serious accidents.