Levski: Happy birthday, sorcerer! – BG Football – efbet League


Levski never forgets his great legends. On the social network Facebook “blue” he congratulated the birthday of his legendary soccer player Georgi Asparuhov – Gundi, who would have turned 77 today.

This is what the “blue” published:

In almost all societies, the number seven is sacred. For the Levskers it has always been more important, and today he intervenes again to remind us of the most sacred symbol of the club: the great and ruthless Georgi Asparuhov. Today, the unforgettable nine would have been 77 years old, but fate had decided otherwise.

May it be a place in the heart of each one of us. He built an eternal halo and made it a value that we continue to learn from. Let’s drink from all your actions, thoughts and covenants! Guarding, storing, and passing down for generations the stories of their genuine charm, athletic achievement, talent, and humanity. To the humble and unusual magician in the field, whom the people called the PRESIDENT!

Even today, remembering Asparuhov, the elders will tell us about their objective, some feint, some survivor with a tall black-eyed boy. Everyone has kept in his memory at least one incident related to him, and one that is not forgotten all his life.

Gundy was, is, and will be the inspiring footballer. Today, we realize even more clearly how valuable, how much I needed. Not only for football and fans, but for our society in general as an example of person and person.

Gundi has left us a lot, and to this day the words echo “There is a country Bulgaria, and in this country Bulgaria there is a team” Levski “. I was born in this team, I will die in this team!”

In fact, today, at a time when football is far from stadiums and society faces serious challenges, it is capable of giving us strength, of teaching us …

And for us Levskers, there is only one unwritten law: you say “Levski”, then you say “Gundi”, you say “Gundi”, then you say “Levski” …

Happy birthday sorcerer!
