4527 BGN salary for the first in qualification (Infographic)


4527 BGN salary for the first in qualification (Infographic)

Due to the crisis, unemployment among graduates increased to 2.8%

Higher earning: with a degree in IT and engineering

Graduates of Computer Science and Informatics from Sofia University receive the highest average monthly income, 4527 BGN, for the first 5 years after graduation. For one year, the amount has increased by 334 BGN.

Shown here is the 10th edition of the Rating System for Higher Education Institutions in Bulgaria, which was presented yesterday.

Income from


grew up with

76 BGN per year

Average insurance income of graduates is growing, reaching BGN 1,373 to levels of BGN 1,297 last year and just BGN 867 in 2014, the new edition of the rating shows.

The highest average insurance earnings are received by graduates “Informatics and Computer Science” – BGN 1981, “Mathematics” – BGN 1901, “Mineral research, extraction and processing” – BGN 1891, “Metallurgy” – BGN 1857; and “Computer and communications equipment”: BGN 1,794.

In 2020, universities will train more teachers, doctors, engineers and fewer economists, lawyers and administrators, said Georgi Stoychev of the consortium, which is developing the qualification on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science.

More and more

will remain

work in bulgaria

The share of graduates who are uninsured in the country drops to almost 19% in 2020 from more than 25% in 2014.

The proportion of employed graduates who in the first 5 years after graduation work in a position that requires higher education increased to almost 51% compared to less than 46% in 2014.

More than 90% of the graduates of “Medicine”, “Pharmacy”, “Dentistry” work in the specialty. For the first time, more than 90% of positions requiring higher education are among graduates of Education Theory and Management. The lowest application of the diploma remains among the graduates of “Tourism” – 21%.

Against the background of the economic effects of the pandemic, the proportion of registered unemployed among Bulgarian university graduates in the last 5 years has risen to 2.8% from 2.2% last year. This is the highest registered unemployment among graduates since 2017.
