45-year-old teacher with COVID-19 died while being transported to the intensive care unit in Sofia


The elementary school teacher at “St. Paisii Hilendarski ”in the Razlog village of Banya Ana Popivanova lost the battle against the coronavirus, reports Struma.bg. The 45-year-old woman died last night on her way to Sofia, where she was directed due to a sudden deterioration in her condition.

She was treated at Razlog Hospital for about a week. In just a few hours Wednesday, her condition began to deteriorate dramatically and doctors made immediate arrangements for her to be transferred to an intensive care unit in the capital, but on the way the teacher passed away.

The black news shocked their families and school staff in Banya, all the villagers were shocked. With great sorrow, his colleagues only shared that they had lost a wonderful colleague and friend. Many of her friends and family have contacted her by phone on a daily basis.

His concerns centered on the health of his parents, who are also with Kovid and hospitalized at Razlog, have comorbidities. Hours before being transferred to the capital, she told family members that she was having difficulty breathing, but no one expected such a tragic outcome.

Ana Popivanova is a senior teacher and has been teaching English to children from 1st to 4th grade for many years. Parents shared that he is an extremely conscientious, strict, and responsible teacher. She has a 16-year-old son who is a 10th grade student at PGEE – Bansko.

Ana Popivanova will be buried in the cemetery park in her hometown of Banya. The funeral is official and only the closest family members will attend.

Blagoevgrad / Bulgaria
