“24 hours” question: How to fight infection? Ninova: First, a high salary is guaranteed for doctors


BSP leader Cornelia Ninova was the first to answer “24 Chasa” questions, although is she still at home after discharge? From the hospital. PHOTO: BSP

The restrictions must be clear, imposed by Fr.t government and without thinking about elections, the BSP leader recommends

How can the state deal with the severe COVID crisis and its consequences? Such a discussion raises the “24 hours” to give the floor to all who can help with ideas and measures. We ask 3 questions to all parliamentary and non-parliamentary opposition formations. We were the first to ask President Rumen Radev, who, however, did not give specific answers, only criticized the government. BSP leader Cornelia Ninova, who had just been released from the hospital after being treated for the virus, responded in person:

– What is the most urgent thing to do in the country in the current pandemic situation?

– The most important thing is to have a state approach with care of people. This is the key. It must put order, predictability and responsibility in management. This can be done in three steps:

1. Management

of the crisis

centralizes and

is taken by





of mayors, directors of schools, hospitals, RHI. Decisions must be unified, clear and timely, and not all agencies must issue orders that are mutually exclusive or contradictory. Chaos confuses people and doctors, and deepens insecurity and mistrust. Must end.

2. Management and organizational decisions should be based solely on the experience of specialists, ensure predictability and not be influenced by upcoming elections and political reports on how to use the crisis to the benefit of parties.

3. Clearly distribute tasks – which institution is responsible for what and have control over implementation.

– What are the government’s mistakes?

– That he did not do everything I said above in May and wasted the summer in carelessness. They had to update and activate the National Action Plan for the Influenza Pandemic, adopted in 2006. It has a clearly defined algorithm of what should be done step by step. There are developed forecasts for the growth of morbidity, statistics of risk groups by region, the required number of beds, the geographical distribution of hospitals, the required number of doctors and nurses. Everything is clear and predictable. They had to prepare it, and when the second wave hit us, the systems would just move. Management weakness and the escalation of the Borissov government have exacerbated the crisis and put health, the economy and social systems at risk.

– What measures does the BSP propose to face the coronary – health and economic crisis?

– The most important thing is to guarantee people’s health. But for that to happen, we must first take care of our rescuers: doctors, nurses, medical personnel. I have COVID, as you know.

I saw in the eyes of

doctors fatigue,

exhaustion, but also

determination to

fight until the end

Your pay must be guaranteed and fair. So far, the government has not. Do you remember the first enlargement? It happened at the expense of the clinical pathways and did not reach them at all. The second was BGN 1,000 each for those on the front line without clear criteria for who is on the front line, and they opposed each other.

The decision is different: a state ordinance to determine the guaranteed base salary and the accruals above it based on hospital income. And the long-term solution is that hospitals are not commercial enterprises and that health does not depend on profits. The backbone of health care should be state and municipal health care. The crisis has demonstrated the need for serious health reform, for which we have a plan.

When it comes to economic measures, the government totally neglects them. There is only 300 million in the new budget for economic incentives. This is dangerous because it will have a long-term impact on Bulgaria and will delay the exit from the crisis. The economy has three legs: investment, exports and consumption. For now, the government is only stimulating consumption with an increase in income. But even this effect is not guaranteed, because in uncertainty and fear people may prefer to save rather than spend. But

in the area of


and quantity


They do not do anything

Here we have a plan to support export-oriented production and investment, but in sectors that add value, not aimless spending to buy votes before the elections.

Wait for the responses of the other political forces in the coming days.
