2021: another 460 million BGN left for health, 1,000 BGN left for people on the front line (Obzor)


In Gabrovo, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov also met mountaineers with whom he had a photo taken. PHOTO: BOYKO BORISOV’S FACEBOOK

And it does not occur to us to close the country, guarantees the Prime Minister.

The mayors will monitor compliance with the measures: masks and disinfectants to sustain the health system, Borissov insisted

An additional 460 million BGN will be provided in the healthcare budget for 2021, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov promised on Sunday. The increase in health money in a budget year is due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, he said.

“You can see that we are working hard to make everything work as well as healthcare. That is why we have set aside 460 million more BGN in the new healthcare budget so that we can protect our mental health as well,” Borissov said. By the end of next year, it is planned to pay bonuses of BGN 1,000 per month to doctors and front-line workers against infection, he added. The salaries of social workers and RHI employees have already increased by 30%, as they help with the purchases of the elderly and those who are in quarantine, recalled the Prime Minister.

“I guess how people feel. Pedro (ed. – Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez), when I saw Madrid close … imagine that today we went out and closed Sofia – complete quarantine … It does not cross our minds, but how many cities have already closed them. Although we have said that we will not,

although the people

It worries them

Come see, growth is skyrocketing across Europe. That is why it is normal to explain “we do this, we do that” every day, so that this and that can go, work, go through this horror, “continued Borissov. And he urged mayors to work for the prevention of the virus and to urge citizens to follow the measures: put on masks and use disinfectants so as not to increase the number of infected.

“People have to

to know


in the air,

and the less they are infected, the more our health system will be able to tolerate ”, he insisted.

The latest BGN 360 million transfer to increase teachers’ salaries has also already been paid, it was clear from Borissov’s words. He said that on Sunday morning the president of the Bulgarian Teachers Union, Yanka Takeva, called him to thank him for maintaining the government’s commitment.

The government is preparing a new project for the Hristo Smirnenski dam to ensure access to water resources for residents in Sevlievo and surrounding villages, it became clear during Borissov’s visit. “It is very difficult for me in Gabrovo and Sevlievo. There must also be water for the villages. They need between 13 and 14 million BGN to tie up and have water in the cities and in the towns. People have the same rights in the villages and in the city. No one should be injured. “Everything should be ready by Wednesday and the time until the water accumulates should be used to build a water supply system,” Borissov said. Currently, the dam is full and the Losses have decreased significantly since the construction of the water cycle, he added.

The Prime Minister also visited the church “St. Onuphrius, Damascene and all the martyrs of Gabrovo ”in Gabrovo, recently discovered.

“No new church has been built in Gabrovo for 100 years. From the laying of the first stone to the completion of the temple.” St. Saint Onufrius, Damascus and all the martyrs of Gabrovo ”exactly 10 years have passed. To this day, the people of Gabrovo already have a new large and beautiful church, located in the park space of the Mladost district. The temple is painted and painted. The domes of the church are bathed in gold and the bells are electronic. The second floor of the temple will house a Sunday school and a library. The land for the construction of the temple was provided by the municipality of Gabrovo, and the funds for the construction were raised by many donors, including the Bulgarian government. Because for us faith has always been an important element in the life of Bulgarians! Congratulations to the people of Gabrovo! Borisov later wrote on Facebook.

912 with COVID-19 in hospital, file and active cases

A record number of people infected with coronavirus have been hospitalized since the beginning of the pandemic: a total of 912 people, of which 54 are in intensive care units. This is clear from the data published on the Unified Information Portal on Sunday.

182 were positive samples yesterday out of 2843 tests. Most of the new cases are in Sofia – 59. Followed by Plovdiv (20) and Targovishte (15). Thus, the total number of active cases in the country reached 5,693. Until now, such a large number of patients has not been reached at the same time.

45 were cured over the weekend and three people died.

In Montana, the new patients are a 72-year-old woman and a 73-year-old man. They were hospitalized in MHAT “Dr. Stamen Iliev”. Thus, the active cases in the Montana region became 53.

A 16-year-old student from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”and two teachers are among those infected in the Plovdiv region. The two teachers from Skutare village were tested at their own request, according to RHI. One teaches 4th grade and its students will study remotely.

From today until Friday, the “Dora Gabe” kindergarten in Sandanski is suspended due to illness. The building will be thoroughly disinfected.

Bulgaria ranks 25th in Europe in terms of the number of infected per 100,000 people. The average for the country is 37 per 100,000, but there are areas where the carriers of the virus are 60 per 100,000, the epidemiologist of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Savina Stoitsova told BTV. To control the infection, it is important that there are no events where many people gather in confined spaces.
