2021-a: The new gold: your data on the web


What enters our lives with the new year

After the whirlwind of 2020, confusing and turbulent, with what trends does the new 2021 arrive?

The year passed under the sign of the coronavirus. The new year comes with the hope that we will emerge from the pandemic. But it has already changed our lives in many ways. And it launched profound new trends.

What new trends are coming, what things are we used to will no longer be the same? What will be discussed in 2021? “24 hours” collected the forecasts of the experts in trends. See the predictions of Svetlin Nakov, a technology expert.

– Consumer datasets are the new tool for power and battles similar to oil are coming.

– The teacher becomes a mentor, the lessons – personalized for everyone

The digital first and the physical second. This concept (First Mind digital setup) It will be the “new normal” for many companies in 2021.

l The compulsion for digital transformation. This is already

obligation for

a lot of company,

to survive

The education, medicine, sports, tourism, entertainment industries were difficult to transform, but received a boost from the covid crisis. See what happens to courier companies: they can’t. Which means that e-commerce is on the rise.

Contactless delivery is becoming the new normal (a year ago

it would seem to you

strange grandmother yes

send a gift to

grandson by courier)

Well, of course, some things have no analogy in the digital world, like going to the beach, having coffee with friends, working on a play.

The role of the so-called digitally focused user experience will grow – to be able to do everything with as few clicks as possible, from ordering food to learning online.

Telecommuting has already become the gold standard. I look forward to strengthening all platforms, tools for online collaboration. The trend of rejecting face-to-face meetings will continue. Now people avoid seeing each other live unless there is an emotional moment. But

Come to another city if

we talk at work “

became an exception Many people found that it was not necessary to cross the middle of the city to see someone for 20 minutes after being able to do it online.

On the purely day-to-day level – Driven by the pandemic situation, the trend is for people to become increasingly reliant on web platforms and services. Like, say, looking for a tile master or a locksmith. This also changes consumer behavior because it allows for better service based on ratings.

l The change in education is huge. I believe that education will never be fully present again.

The future is in

the mixed


Many important segments of higher education will remain online. It will probably remain fully present for the youngest, for training related to “soft skills”, sports, medicine, etc.

Boring textbooks are replaced by interesting interactive lessons. A

the teacher more and more

becomes a mentor,

who gives projects,

assignments, moderate discussion among students. Not a person who just lectures.

The focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) is necessary because of the need for a more practical preparation of students for the professions of the future in the digital environment. Until now, knowledge of English was considered mandatory, but it is close

to consider you

illiterate yes

you don’t have digital


The other trend is towards personalization of educational content. Everyone learns history, let’s say, but one is more interesting to kings, another learns better by listening than by video. The information is increasingly voluminous, therefore


systems will capture

what are we interested in

and also what we do not know and will emphasize. The goal is to learn what you need in the shortest time possible, without being superfluous, and to make the training interesting.

l Cloud platforms continue to grow and I hope that one day computers will not have hard drives, everything will be in the cloud. Data transfer in centralized environments is a global trend. That is why safety is increasingly important.

Data is the new gold, the trend is for it to become more valuable than physical resources


engineering in

data gained

elections in the United States,

or so it is said. Fierce battles are waged over user data, providing insight into their behavior. The reason for this is that the data analysis process in combination with machine learning algorithms (the term means the training of software by human activities) can analyze models and derive trend “predictions”.

The trend is towards centralization and I hope

To appear


of the data

to manage and control access and rules for working with data at the global, European and individual country level.

And now supranational companies and groups are focusing on data, because this is the new tool to govern, both in business and in politics. If before the fight was for natural resources such as oil, now it is for data. Fierce battles are yet to come for them.

l Artificial intelligence (AI). Imagine the following chain: automated trucks deliver goods to a warehouse, robots collect and distribute goods, people order online, and then autonomous vehicles and drones deliver them. The automotive industry is one of the main drivers of this process.

If the AI

lost a job?

Rather, I think it will expand our capabilities and allow us to be better professionals.

l Blockchain technology seems to be back. After the big boom of 2017-2018, they lost credibility due to all the scams that were committed with the initial cryptocurrency offerings. But now the technology is evolving and maturing. And the legal framework has moved, there are already working platforms for decentralized finance.

However, I don’t believe in the idea that, for example, the dollar will be replaced by a cryptocurrency that is managed by a decentralized bank.

There will be a great development of the digital wallet and electronic money. It is not about cryptocurrencies, but about money “printed” by the state

“Stand up” on the phone

you spend them there

And this will lead to the death of cards – plastics. In general, the fintech industry is booming.

l Telemedicine and eHealth are beginning to normalize from the exotic. I look forward to a great development of the digital health industry, because eHealth is not only growing, but it is changing people’s habits. In the long term, there will probably be a division of diagnostic services: photos, tests, from the consultation with a doctor through telemedicine platforms. further

by the situation

with the pandemic

there were billions

pour into



and this sooner or later will pay off.

l Smarthome (smart home, including managing your garage, heating, air conditioning, video cameras and next to “smart housekeeper”) and smartcity (smart city) along with Internet of Things (IOT) are nothing new. But these technologies are evolving. A

5G networks are


smart trends

smart home and city


For example, an indicator is set as to whether a parking space is free and lasts for 10 years without batteries.

l The trend towards green energy, circular economy, carbon neutral operations will no longer be just words. World leaders have agreed that this will happen in the next 10 to 20 years. But in 2021 we will notice it.

Here we are talking about huge amounts of money to be invested, and this will be a spectacular growth industry. There will be more and more solar panels on the roofs, we will talk about energy neutral buildings. In a figurative sense, it will become fashionable to make your villa in the village so that there is no need for electricity. And you don’t need a trash can.

* Svetlin Nakov is the founder of the school for IT specialists “SoftUni”.
