1070 are the new cases of coronavirus in us – Diseases


1070 are the new cases of coronavirus in our country, according to data from the Unified Information Portal. During the last 24 hours, 11,816 tests have been carried out. Since the beginning of the pandemic, their number is now 1 502 690. For the day, positive cases are 9.05 of those examined.

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Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) 19647

228 044 are confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our country. Of these, 22,801 remain active.

To date, the number of cured is growing. Since the start of the pandemic, the number of people who fought the coronavirus is 195,682,471 have been cured in the last 24 hours.

3,297 are hospitalized. 293 are in the intensive care unit.

Unfortunately, the death toll is also increasing: 34 in the last 24 hours and since the beginning of the 9561 pandemic.

Mathematician: The epidemic will start again, the survivors are also at risk.

Bulgaria also continues to implement the coronavirus vaccination plan. 71 123 doses of the vaccine are administered. 4,960 correspond to the last 24 hours. We vaccinate with three products: Moderna, Pfizer-Biontech (Komirnati) and AstraZeneca.

The start of vaccination in our country was given by the Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov, who is vaccinated in “St. Anna”. After him, Bishop Tikhon did the same. The Chief of the National Operations Staff and Director of the Military Medical Academy, Major General Prof. Dr. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski and Director of Pirogov Prof. Asen Baltov were also among the first to be vaccinated.

All on the topic:

Coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19)

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