Andy Samberg’s new movie Palm springs continues to knock him out in the park (and something else), as the Brooklyn nine nine Star’s latest project just broke a Hulu record. Noise
After initially racking up a 100% certified fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and receiving positive reviews across the board, time travel comedy Palm springs it has now achieved new recognition since its launch on the Hulu streaming platform.
A Hulu spokesperson confirmed to IndieWire that the “infinite time cycle” movie broke its opening record for the weekend by accumulating more hours viewed over the first three days than any other movie on duty in the same period.
Related: Brooklyn nine nine star Andy Samberg tackles season 8 after George Floyd protests
It was also the most-discussed Hulu original movie on Twitter after it was released on July 10, if yours is the influence of social media.
Despite its overwhelming success, Palm springsAndy Samberg, who plays Nyles alongside Cristin Milioti’s Sarah, recently admitted he was nervous about the role and all the “legitimate acting” he would have to do.
Calling his passage from Room 99 “a little scary at first,” the actor explained, “There was a little more ‘legitimate acting’, as people would say. Obviously I’m very comfortable with comedy, but I have much less experience with more dramatic things. I would say that was the main difference for me. “
Palm springs It is now available on Hulu and drive-in theaters in the US A release date in the UK has yet to be confirmed.
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