One of the most prominent American lawyers in the country will go to Washington.
POLITICO learned that Richard Donoghue, who heads the Eastern District of New York, will assume the role of Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. The role – an Officially Titled Official Associate Chief Solicitor, or PADAG – is important, and generally involves working with the 93 American attorneys working across the country.
Donoghue announced the transfer this morning to staff in the Eastern District of New York, an office spokesperson confirmed.
Donoghue’s expected arrival will bring a significant tax experience to the fourth floor of the Justice Department. Rosen, who became Deputy Attorney General (DAG) after Rod Rosenstein left the position, started the job inexperienced as a prosecutor. When Jeff Sessions was Attorney General and Rosenstein was Assistant Attorney General, US attorneys frequently listened from the fourth floor. But under Rosen’s tenure, the sources said, the interaction between U.S. attorneys and the DAG office has decreased, while prosecutors across the country deal more with Attorney General Bill Barr’s office than when Jeff Sessions held that position.