BREAKING: Governor Gavin News has postponed guidelines for reopening theme parks due to reactions from Disneyland and other California theme parks.

According to a LA Times reporter Phil Wilson, Governor Gavin News has postponed the long-awaited California theme park guide following a backlash from Disneyland and other parks in the state. Officials originally said the guidelines would be issued this week. The news from Newsom was really expected today.

According to Brady McDonald Orange County RegisterThe California Attractions and Parks Association told state officials yesterday that plans have not yet been finalized – not to amend certain protocols before comparing with park operators and officially issuing guidelines.

In a statement OC Register, CAPA Executive Director Erin Guerrero said:

We will ask the Governor to finalize the guidelines with a view to listening to the skills of the park operators and collaborating with the industry, which will allow the amusement park to reopen responsibly, while maintaining health and the safety of park staff and guests is a top priority. While we are aligned to many protocols and health and safety requirements, there are many others who need to improve if they lead a plan to reopen a responsible and reasonable amusement park.

Erin Guerrero, Executive Director of Capa

It seems that the parks have been given the opportunity to observe the draft of the guide, and given the note of the “reasonable” reopening plan, are not happy with the presumption that there is only a strict or excessively restricted guide. Guidelines between the counties will vary according to the report, possibly limiting who can visit the parks to discourage lim long distances or state travel.

We will continue to update you here at with the development of this story.