Bloomberg Funds Last Minute Announcement for Biden in Texas and Ohio Blitz

Michael R. Former Vice President Joseph R. in Bloomberg Texas and Ohio. Biden is funding last-minute spending blitz to provoke Jr., leading millions of people to television advertising in two red states that have been ousted from President Trump in the general election.

Mr. Bloomberg’s political adviser said the billionaire former mayor of New York City would use his Super PAC, Independence USA, for an intensive advertising campaign in all television markets in both states. The two-state campaign is expected to cost about 15 15 million.

The decision by Mr. Bloomberg reflects how much the electoral landscape has changed in the last few months of the presidential race, as Mr. Trump’s mismanagement of the coronavirus epidemic has increased his abnormalities and further alienated voting groups such as women and suburbs. .

Mr. Biden’s campaign has for some time viewed Ohio as a competitive battleground, though Mr. Trump carried it by a wide margin in 2016, and more recently, the Democratic ticket has been putting some time and money into Texas. Biden’s running mate, Mr. Senator Kamala Harris of California, plans to visit the state on Friday.

Howard Wolfs, one of Mr. Bloomberg’s closest aides, said the former mayor recently asked his team to run a round of voting on whether Mr. Trump has unpredictable vulnerabilities that could be exploited in the final weeks of the campaign. To this point, Mr. Bloomberg’s general election activities have focused on Florida, where he has promised to spend શ્રી 100 million supporting Mr. Biden.

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The Bloomberg team voted in several states over the weekend and was far from convinced that Texas and Ohio represented its best targets. The team presented Mr. Bloomberg with the numbers on Monday morning and he moved on.

“We believe Florida will go down the wire, and we’re looking for additional opportunities to expand the map,” Mr. Wolfs said. “Texas and Ohio present the best opportunities in our view, to do that.”

Mr. Bloomberg also plans to increase the size of its television ad purchases in Florida next week, Mr. Wolfson said.

If Texas or Ohio slips into the Democratic column, it will probably show not only Trump’s defeat, but a huge gap. Both states have Elect 56 Electoral College Ledge votes between them, and Mr. Trump’s campaign has never paved the way for a win that doesn’t include both.

And Mr. Biden’s campaign did not rely on either Texas or Ohio to deliver the 270 elective oral college college votes needed to seal the victory: although Democrats in both states are competing to a significant extent, neither is over Mr. List of Biden’s priorities to win on a field like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania or purple states like North Carolina and Georgia.

Mr. Trump’s campaign has ruled out the possibility that Texas could plunge into the Democratic Pillar, and over the weekend Rick Perry, former energy secretary and governor of Texas, told reporters it was “not a state of war.”

But other Republicans have been warning for weeks that the country’s most populous red state, Texas, is also competitive. Republican Sen. John Cornyn, who is running for re-election there, has told allies that the president’s extravagance is holding other members of his party in the state.

A poll published by The New York Times on Monday found that Mr. Trump had a 47 percent to 43 percent lead over Mr. Biden in Texas. Mr Wolfson said the Bloomberg poll showed the presidential race was even tougher than the state, with Mr Trump slightly ahead in both Texas and Ohio.

Mr Wolfson said the Bloomberg advertising campaign in both states would focus primarily on the coronavirus, highlighting new growth in cases across the country under Mr Trump’s watch. The Texas ad will include a heavy Spanish-language component.

In Ohio, Independence USA also plans to provide an announcement about the economy and Mr. Biden’s “Build Back Bill” message.

This is not the first time Mr. Bloomberg has used his vast personal wealth to gamble at some 11-hour expense in the dreaded realm of politics. During the 2018 midterm elections, Mr. Bloomberg’s advisers held late-night elections in congressional districts to see if there was a winning race for Democrats where other groups were not already spending more.

They found a Republican-run district in Ok Clahoma City and its suburbs, where the Democratic nominee, Center Horn, was surprisingly competitive. Mr. Bloomberg authorized hundreds of thousands of dollars on advertising, and Ms. Horn won his race by nearly 3,300 votes.