Black Lives Matter mural outside Trump Tower was defaced again

The Black Lives Matter mural in front of the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue was shattered on Saturday for the third time this week, this time by a black woman screaming, “Refund the police!”

In the 3 pm episode, black paint was sprayed onto the BLM yellow mural when two officers tried to stop the woman, wearing a “Jesus matters” t-shirt, from smearing the paint on the pavement.

“They are liars!” the woman screamed as she continued to pull her arms away from the two police officers. “They say they care about the lives of blacks, they say they fire the police.”

As the spectators shouted blasphemies at the woman and she screamed “Refund the police!” In response, one of the officers slipped and fell into the wet paint, injuring his head and arm.

The woman continued without flinching, screaming and getting down on her knees to stain the paint.

“Do not care! They don’t care about blacks! she screamed. We are killing each other from left to right! Black Lives Matters – liars!

Two women, 29 and 39, were detained and are expected to be charged with criminal conduct, police said.

The wounded officer was taken to Bellevue Hospital, police said.

The mural was also vandalized on Friday afternoon.
