Billionaire Democrats and Small Dollar Donors Help Push Lincoln Anti-Trump Project

Their biggest donor in the April-June fundraising quarter: Connecticut-based hedge fund manager Stephen Mandel, who donated $ 1 million to the group. Mandel is a Democratic donor who has supported the presidential candidacy of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, according to presentations by the Federal Election Commission.

Mandel did not immediately respond to an interview request.

Another billionaire Democrat, Hollywood movie magnate David Geffen, is among the donors who contributed $ 100,000. Josh Bekenstein, co-chair of private investment firm Bain Capital, also donated $ 100,000.

The super PAC is overseen by Republicans and former Republicans, and those associated with the group include George Conway, whose wife Kellyanne Conway is the president’s top aide. Other key players in the Lincoln Project include Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, and Reed Galen, who had ties to the late Arizona senator John McCain, a frequent target of Trump’s attacks.

The Lincoln Project’s second quarter run far exceeds the $ 1.9 million the group raised in the first quarter of the year. It was launched late last year.

Almost half of the second quarter contributions to the super PAC, approximately 45%, came from small donations. The group started in July with more than $ 10 million in cash on hand.

The group has produced a series of scorching announcements, ranging from criticizing Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic to attacking Republican senators who have come forward with the president. The announcements have sparked an angry rebuke from Trump himself, who has branded the group the “Losers Project” and called its Republican founders in name only.
