Bill Burr was slammed in the right-wing media for his comments on election fraud: “He’s either a liar or a fool, or both.”

Since his confirmation as Attorney General, William Barr has been somewhat of a hero in the right-wing media universe. He has launched an investigation into Russia. He’s talked about the big game about breaking the antifa. He has been harshly criticized on the news media. It continues.

But his celebrity status took a hit on Tuesday when he blatantly misrepresented President Trump that the 2020 election was marred by massive voter fraud. Speaking to the Associated Press, Bair said, “To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could lead to a different outcome in the election.”

Burr’s statement, which was just a simple fact-reading, not only cut back on what Trump said, but Trump’s campaigners and allies in the right-wing media are also feeding his audience. For weeks, these media celebrities have kept their audiences together, suggesting that innocent evidence of fraud was just around the corner. That’s why Burr’s comment has been so bad.

The comment effectively forced these right-wing stars to choose between accepting the reality of the bar or continuing Trump’s notion. Trump’s very dedicated preachers chose the latter. And so they started throwing the bar under the bus, as they did with every other Rs servicist who dared to oppose the president. (Think about how former high-stakes stars like Safe Sessions, Justin Amash, Paul Ryan, and others were treated when Trump’s demands were ignored.)

“False or stupid or both”

Fox Business host Lou Lou Dobbs, whose conspiracy program is a favorite of the president, attacked Burrer with cruel words on his show. “To give that statement to the United States Attorney General – he’s either lying or stupid or both,” Dobbs said. Dobbs then went further, suggesting that the bar “was probably compromised.” He classified the bar as “radical dams and deep deep state and appeared to connect with resistance”.

Dobbs was not alone. Newsmax host Greg Kelly, who has gained fame in right-wing media circles over the past few weeks for suggesting Trump could emerge as an election winner, went on his show. “Some of us are wondering if he’s a warrior with a constitution or if he’s just a bureaucrat,” Kelly said. Kelly added that they “can’t believe” if the bar “detected voter fraud he found no one.” And Mark Levine said he was “sorry.”[ted] “To say that Barr’s comment was” misleading “is an understatement.

Far-right blogs were even tougher. Gateway Pundit, a fringe website that Trump has repeatedly promoted, published a post saying that Barry declared himself “completely deaf, dumb and blind.” The post went on to say that Bar’s “masquerade opposing the criminal state of the Deep State” was “declared a viral lie” and was “fraudulent.” He concluded, “You either fix the hateful corrupt system or we will leave you … Our days of enduring betrayal are over.”

Some catch fire

While the bar faced harsh criticism from some notable names in the right-wing media, others avoided attacking it on Tuesday night. Notably, heavyweights Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity did not cut the AG. It will be interesting in the next 24 hours if this anti-bur statement in the Trump-friendly media will catch more or if it moves.
