Bill and Ted face music has a surprising cameo for a beloved character

You’ll be able to see Bill and Ted Face the Music in September when the film opens in theaters and in digital format. However, at the movie’s Comic-Con @ Home panel, moderator Kevin Smith shared a truly exciting joke about something going on in the movie.

While arguing about seeing the movie for the first time, Smith let out that George Carlin, who played Rufus in the first two movies, appears on Face the Music. However, it is a surprise, given that the comedian passed away in 2008. However, Rufus is in the final cut.

As for how it’s possible, chances are this was done using archived and possibly unused footage from the first two movies. This is most likely not a major role in the film, though knowing that Face the Music is going to pay homage to a beloved character, and actor, for that matter, is reassuring.

The panel also included a retrospective look at the multi-year journey to make a third Bill and Ted movie, going as far back as Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter’s auditions for the opening film. “Keanu and I became friends, to some degree, in the audition process,” said Winter. “They kept bringing us back.”

The duo noted that everyone who made the film was young and figured out how to make the film as they went along, unaware that it would evolve to the point of becoming a pop culture phenomenon. Reeves remembered the first time he noticed people yelling “Be great!” him on the street and how great the experience was.

Now, in 2020, a new movie finds Bill and Ted adults, with children and lives of their own. Those kids are played by Samara Weaving (Thea Preston) and Brigette Lundy-Paine (Billie Logan), who admitted that they had never seen the original movies before auditioning. However, in their defense, they were both born after the movie came out.

Naturally, they checked the movies before filming to fully understand the characters, and Lundy-Paine also admitted that they saw Winter and Reeves constantly to collect traits to add to their characters.

Bill and Ted Face the Music arrives on September 1. You can see it in theaters or in digital version.

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Playing now: Bill and Ted face the music – Official Trailer