Biden’s race to become secretary of state is already underway

“Progressives should reconsider their reactionary opposition to international trade agreements,” Murphy argued in a section. “Yes, a progressive president should fight for more labor and environmental standards, such as trade agreements. [the Trans Pacific Partnership], But by refusing to try to rebuild the US-Asia trade agreement, it would be foolish for China to facilitate economic dominance in Asia. ”

Murphy’s activities have drawn attention to Biden’s hand, but the senator’s aides have kept in mind the idea that it is aud dining for Foggy Bottom. He points out that he has been talking about foreign policy for years – in 2015 he co-authored an essay on foreign affairs entitled “Principles of Progressive Foreign Policy”.

“He has the honor of serving the people of Connecticut in the United States Senate, and much remains to be done in his current job to re-introduce the role of Congress in foreign policy,” said Murphy’s spokesman Jamie Galer. “It will continue to work to ensure that U.S. national security is informed and guided by progressive values ​​at home and abroad.”

Reliable hands

If Biden wins, the coronavirus epidemic and the resulting economic devastation are likely to consume its early months. Current and former U.S. Officials say this could lead to the selection of a secretary of state with past experience in the State Department, as that person will not need much on-the-job training at Foggy Bottom.

Makes Rice – an experienced foreign policy arm that has kept jobs all the way from junior NSC staff to UN ambassador to national security adviser to top African diplomat – an appealing option for the Secretary of State.

She and Biden are said to have a love affair, however, when he was Biden’s vice president they disagreed on how to deal with hardships in places like Egypt and Libya. As a measure of his respect, Biden regarded Rice as a potential running mate, but instead California Sen. Kamala went with Harris. Rice, which is black, is one of the few women and people of color referred to as a potential chief U.S. diplomat.

It could be difficult to get confirmation as Rice’s secretary of state. Republicans have long accused him of playing the role of a villain, misleading people about the 2012 Benkhazi attacks that killed a U.S. ambassador to Libya and three other Americans. Rice pointed out that she was sharing the points made by intelligence officials, but Republicans have repeatedly denied her defense.

The political attack is believed to be why her young daughter complained of temporary hallucinations, Rice wrote in a memoir published last year. The attacks encouraged Rice to distance herself from the race to become Obama’s second term secretary of state, instead becoming a national security adviser.

More recently, Trump and his allies have accused Rice of being part of a wider conspiracy to weaken the president. He asserted that his confession had been obtained through torture, and that his confession had been obtained through torture. Rice insists she did nothing wrong and those names came as part of her regular duties as national security adviser; The Justice Department’s investigation into so-called unmasking of Trump aides has been charged in recent weeks with no charges and no public report.

Rice declined to comment for this story through a spokesperson. Although she is active on Twitter, appearing on television as Biden’s surrogate and writing cummins for The New York Times, she is not openly saying she wants the role of chief diplomat – but she is not ignoring the idea.

Biden interior

Rice’s top rival could be 58-year-old Blinken, a longtime Biden assistant and key member of his 2020 campaign team.

Blinken declined to comment on the article, but was practically raised for the job: he is a polished Harvard graduate, whose father Donald is also a Harvard graduate, an investment banker serving as US ambassador to Hungary. Little Blinkon attended high school in Paris, worked as a journalist and lawyer, and served in the Clinton and Obama administrations. He also spent time on Capitol Hill, where he was the Democratic staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee while Biden was chairman.

The campaign has been a major mediator for Biden during the campaign; It meets on a regular basis, for example, some progressive groups that try to shape Biden’s foreign policy.

During Obama’s years, Blinkon served as Deputy National Security Adviser and Deputy Secretary of State. But while Blinken will be fluent in State Department affairs, foreign policy people expect Biden to likely approach him at the White House as a national security adviser.