Biden’s national lead over Trump rises to 14 points after debate in NBC News / WSJ polls

WASHINGTON – Biden’s national lead nearly doubled after Tuesday’s presidential debate over President Donald Trump, with voters saying by a margin of 2 to 1 that Biden has a good temper to run for president, according to a new NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll.

The vote came two days after the September 29 reckless and insulting debate, but was positively tested by Trump for Covid-19 and was hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Friday.

The Democratic nominee is now 14 points ahead of Trump among registered voters, more than his 8-point lead in the poll before the debate, from 53 percent to 39 percent.

That 14-point advantage represents Biden’s biggest lead in the NBC News / WSJ poll during the completion of the 2020 presidential campaign; Its previous high in July was 11 points.

Jeff Hor Ravitt, a Democratic Polster from Heart Research Associates, who conducted the survey with Bill McIntyre, a Republican poster for public opinion strategy, said: “The obvious loser from the debate was Donald Trump.

“And at least for the short term, that has hurt his position against B Biden,” Horwitt added.

But, G.O.P. Polster, McInterf warns that the survey could only present a “shock to the system” after the resulting debate. (Democrats, for example, have a 9-point advantage over party identities in this poll, compared to the previous ones with a point-to-point advantage.)

And as a result, McIntyre believes the competition could return to a steady 8- to 9-point margin where it has essentially remained for the past several months – a difficult position for power even four weeks before election day.

The biggest declines for Trump in the polls come from seniors (who now support Biden by a margin of 62 percent to 35 percent) and suburban women (58 percent to 33 percent).

And men 50 years and older went from a 13-point advantage for Trump in the pre-discussion NBC News / WSJ poll to a 1-point advantage for Biden in a recent poll.

Forty percent of voters say Biden did a better job in Tuesday’s debate, which was marked by insults, interruptions, lies and personal attacks – most, however, coming from the president.

That compares with 24 percent who say Trump did well.

Another 17 percent say neither did a better job in the debate.

In addition, 19 percent of voters say they are more likely to support Biden after the debate, compared to 6 percent who say they are more likely to support Trump.

The vast majority – percent – say the debate doesn’t matter how they vote.

49 percent say Biden has done a better job, with many voters citing Trump’s performance when asked to describe what they think is important in the debate.

“Basically, last night was a snapshot of the last three and a half years. Nothing can be said about white supremacists, to be negative and to be apathetic, ”said one respondent.

“I think he was the same old Trump,” said another voter who believed Biden had done a better job. “He was threatening.”

Even among the 24 percent who say Trump has done a better job, the response was as much about the president’s performance than Biden’s.

“I would say that Donald Trump’s confession not to support the white supremacists, to tell the white supremacists to stand up, so to speak through the mediator. Said the voter.

“It’s a Trump debate, not a Biden debate,” said Democratic Polster Peter Hart, summarizing voters’ responses.

The advantage of Biden’s presidential nature

In the new NBC News / WSJ poll, Biden has a big advantage of 327 points, based on which the candidate has a good temper to become president, with 26 percent of voters voting for Biden, compared to 26 percent for Trump.

That margin exceeds Biden’s advantage over Trump in handling race relations (29 points), health care (19 points) and coronavirus (17 points).

Trump has maintained his edge over Biden on managing the economy better, but that dropped from 10 points (48 percent to 38 percent) before the vote debate to 7 points (although 48 percent to 41 percent) in the new poll (48 percent to 41 percent) Error margin though.

Trump’s approval rating is 43 percent

Thirty-five percent of registered voters acknowledged President Trump’s performance in the new poll, two points below the last NBC News / WSJ poll.

Fifty percent reject Trump’s job, with 50 percent saying they strongly reject it.

Trump’s favor also declined in the polls – from 41 percent positive / 52 percent negative before the debate (-11) to 39 percent positive / 55 percent negative (-16).

By contrast, the poll showed an increase in Biden’s favorable rating – from 43 percent positive / 45 percent negative (-2), to 43 percent positive / 41 percent negative discussion (+2).

Trump’s Supreme Court number one

Ultimately, voters in the U.S. The Supreme Court, on Amy Connie Barrett, was asked about the president’s choice to make the late Ruth Bader Ginsberg a success.

Percentage of registered voters say they support Barrett’s nomination, while 33 percent oppose it; Another 100 percent say they don’t know enough about them.

Those findings are similar to Trump’s first NBC / WSJ numbers of 2018, Supreme Court-elect Brett Kavanagh, whose U.S. Confirmed by a narrow vote of 50 to 48 votes by the Senate.

In a separate question, percent of voters said they would prefer a Senate seat waiting for the Supreme Court seat until they win the next presidential election, while 38 percent would like to vote before the election.

NBC News / Wall Street Journal Paul Sept. 30-Oct Qt. Registered voters 1 out of 00 voters – more than half of whom reached by cell phone – and has a plus-minus percentage .. an overall margin of error of percentage points.