Biden Trump leads in Poland Show, Nevada Trump and two in Ohio

Joseph R. Biden Jr. maintains a steady lead over President Trump in Nevada and both are virtually bound in Ohio, as voters express dissatisfaction with the president’s handling of the coronavirus epidemic, according to new polls by The New York Times and Siena. The college was released on Wednesday.

Mr. Baden leads from 48 percent to 426 percent of potential voters in Nevada and from 45 to 44 percent in Ohio. Six percent of Nevada voters and one percent of Ohio said they have been undecided. Mr. Trump announced that he has tested positive for coronavirus, and the poll was conducted before most surveys returned to the White House on Monday night from Mr. Wahan and House Reed National Military Medical Center.

Voters in both states, including about 20 percent of Mr. Trump’s supporters, said the president had not taken enough precautions to protect himself from the virus by a wide margin, as two campaigns erupted this week to discuss security concerns for next week’s debate.

The results show that the changing political dynamics in the pair of states each party expects to flip through its 2016 results. When the Times gave Nevada a poll last month, Mr. Biden held a four-point lead. The critical state of Ohio seems to be a toss-up for the prospects of Mr. Trump’s Electoral College Ledge after Republicans and many Democrats made it virtual to stay in Mr. Trump’s column after considering the state’s demographics. The president carried eight percentage points to Ohio in 2016.

The margin of error for both polls is 3.3 percent.

The results show that voter opinion on the coronavirus crisis and Mr. Trump’s administration continue to hang on to the election.

Voters in Nevada said, by a 10-point margin, they trusted Biden more than the president to handle the epidemic. In Ohio, Mr. Biden’s advantage over the question was seven points.

One-third of voters in each state said Mr. Trump took adequate precautions for his own safety, while 627 percent in Nevada and nine percent in Ohio said they were not.

And when asked how politicians should campaign during the epidemic, only 20 percent of voters in Ohio and 28 percent in Nevada said it was appropriate to appear in front of large crowds. Fifty-five percent of Ohio voters and 58 percent of Nevada voters said candidates should only campaign against small, socially-marginalized groups.

Even large numbers of Mr. Trump’s own supporters – 37 percent in Ohio and 22 percent in Nevada – found their large rallies inappropriate in the coronavirus era.

“I really wish she would have become a role model to show us how to stay safe,” said Karen Pelerin, a 57-year-old veteran of Sparks, Nev. Said Karen Pelerin, a 57-year-old retiree from Sparks. Runs around the White House with the virus. “

However, Ms. Pellery said he plans to vote for Mr. Trump. He said he had “no confidence” in Mr Biden and his running mate, California Senator Kamala Harris.

Mr. Biden’s strength is driven by women in both states, where he is elsewhere; She led Mr. Trump with 11 percent in women in Ohio and 14 points in Nevada. He also maintained a significant advantage among suburban voters, including 32 percent in Nevada and 22 points in Ohio.

After Mr. Biden’s six-point lead among potential voters in Nevada, Democrats have lost the right to be fired due to an epidemic of casino workers with large numbers of union workers in the state. The Culinary Union, which represents casino workers in Las Vegas and Reno, said 90 percent of its members were unemployed in March, adding to the difficulty in planning for workers who could not leave the state.

Ohio has rarely fought in Mr. Biden’s campaign until recent weeks, a state that has moved strongly toward Republicans in recent years. His campaign is focusing on the political arena in the political arena of Michigan and Pennsylvania, which are more crucial for his path to winning the Elect College Ralph College Ledge, which markets he has bought television advertising in Ohio. But the polls there show a narrow race, with Democrats in the state urging the Biden team to be more competitive.

The former vice-presidential turnout is particularly significant in Nevada, where nearly 60 percent of the vote was cast before election day in 2016. Nevada officials began sending ballots to all registered voters Sept. 24.

More than a quarter of the state’s registered voters – more than two million Ohioans – have requested absentee ballots, which officials will begin mailing on Tuesday.

Kristin Ponkowski, J. Henderson, Nev. Has a housekilling business in, he said, insulting Mr. Trump by handling his own coronavirus case. Ms. Ponkowski (.56) will not enter a room in a client’s home unless she is present to protect herself and her clients.

Ms. Ponkowski said he plans to vote for Mr. Biden on Thursday.

“It’s sad when someone gets a virus,” he said. “I have family members who got the virus. “My next thought is that this will probably wake him up. But, it will only empower him and his followers who follow him. “

Like many of Biden’s supporters, Ms. Ponkowski said she plans to vote primarily for the former vice president to remove Mr. Trump from office. Asked why he plans to vote for Mr Biden, she replied: “Because Bernie Sanders is not on the ticket.”

In both states, Mr. Biden is winning overwhelming support from voters who voted for or did not vote for third-party candidates in the 201st. In Ohio, 51 percent of third-party voters support Mr. Biden, compared to just 16 percent for Mr. Trump. In Nevada, Mr. Biden leads those voters from 45 percent to 26 percent.

As Mr. Trump belongs to Hillary Clinton, Mr. Baden is also snatching as many of Mr. Trump’s 2016 votes as 2016, the poll found.

In Columbus, Ohio, hedge fund accountant Kirsten Mullins voted for Mr. Trump in 2016, but plans to vote for Mr. Biden this year. He described himself as financially savvy, but said Mr. Trump had failed to lead the country through the coronavirus epidemic.

Ms. Mullins, 28, described Mr. Trump’s photo-ride as “shameful” as he waved at supporters outside Walter Reed Hospital on Sunday.

“To tweet that he’s the best he’s experienced in 20 years and take credit for the drugs that 99 percent of Americans can’t use is a slap in the face for people who are suffering from the effects of the virus.” Every day, ”he said.

In both states, Mr. Trump has maintained a base of committed supporters who pursue what he sees as a personal disrespect to Democrats and the media.

Bill Brandberry, a home inspector in Canton, Ohio, said after returning to the White House on Monday night that he was upset with Mr. Trump’s harassment of Democrats and some journalists for removing Mr. Trump’s mask.

“They’re making a big deal out of how he removed his mask,” Mr Brandiberry said. “I didn’t see anyone around him and he was out on the porch in front. Variable. That’s why I’m bored. “

Mr. Brandyberry, 61, said his mother died of coronavirus in May and his funeral sits on his fireplace hearth, as funerals in Pennsylvania, where he was buried, are limited to 25 people.

However, he said he was more concerned about the prospect of the Biden administration handling Mr. Trump’s epidemic.

“Biden will defame the police, destroy the police departments and then take my gun, and then what?”

Mr Biden has said he repeatedly opposes defaming police and has offered to increase federal aid to law enforcement agencies with conditions.

The nation’s biased division also stains voters’ perceptions of the seriousness of Mr. Trump’s illness. Republicans, with a percentage of 10 percent to 10 percent in Ohio and 84 percent to 10 percent in Nevada, confidently believe Mr. Trump will recover quickly from the virus. A majority of Democrats in both states said it would take “weeks to recover.”

“I’m surprised that what I’ve heard about the virus seems to have recovered so quickly,” said Suzanne Loda, a 62-year-old homemaker in Winnemukka, Nassau. “If those drugs were effective to get it well quickly, I’d like to see it available to everyone.”

Ms. Loda said he remained steadfast in his presidential campaign, but leaned in to support Mr. Trump.

Here are the crossbases for voting.