Biden super PAC launches $ 24 million mail-order effort in battlefield states

The largest super Democratic PAC is investing $ 24 million in a new campaign to encourage black and Latino voters in key battlefield states to vote by mail in November.

Priorities USA President Guy Cecil said the ad campaign aims to attract people to the appropriate websites so that people can request and complete their voting forms in absentia.

The super PAC, which is spending a lot to choose presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe BidenJoe Biden Biden Campaign Criticizes Trump’s Rose Garden Event As ‘Sad Affair’ New Stops Add To Trump’s Problems CNN cuts Trump’s Rose Garden speech on type of campaign MORE, will invest the $ 24 million in six central battlefield states: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona.

The effort comes as states rush to find new ways to ensure voters can vote in November amid the coronavirus pandemic. State officials are eager to reduce the size of ballot box meetings but President TrumpDonald John TrumpIvanka Trump launches Goya Foods products on Twitter Sessions defends the challenge: “I leave the elected office with my integrity intact” Former White House doctor Ronny Jackson wins the second round of Texas MORE has claimed that voting by mail is fraught with fraud.

Priorities USA has committed to spending $ 200 million on this cycle to elect Biden. The super PAC is spending about $ 2 million per week on television and digital ads in six battlefield states.

The super PAC released two new television commercials this week in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Arizona that attack Trump’s response to the coronavirus. The group recently announced an expansion of their advertising campaign in Arizona, ensuring they will be on the air on Election Day.

Priorities USA also launched new polls on Wednesday to find Biden ahead in the six central states of the battlefield. Additionally, the super PAC found that the race had toughened up in Texas, Georgia and Iowa, with Trump expected to win easily at the start of the cycle.

If the elections were held today, Priorities USA projects that Biden would win 278 votes in the Electoral College, compared to 143 for Trump, with 56 leaning towards Biden and 61 leaning towards Trump.

Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are firmly in the Democratic column, with Florida, North Carolina, and Arizona leaning toward Biden. There are no decisive states firmly in the Trump column, but Texas, Georgia and Iowa are leaning in their direction, according to the survey.

However, Cecil said “relatively small demographic changes over the course of the remaining weeks could lead to seismic shifts in the Electoral College projection.”

If white working-class voter turnout is 5 percent higher than projected and people of color turn out at 2 percent slower than forecast, Trump would be left with 259 Electoral College votes, compared to 243 for Biden with 36 in the category draw.

Still, Democrats feel they are in good shape.

Priorities USA data found that Trump’s net approval rating is near the lowest point for his presidency, at 55 percent negative and 40 percent positive. 56% of state voters on the battlefield disapprove of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, compared to 45% in March.

Sixty percent of voters in the poll said they are not satisfied with the direction of the country. Biden leads by 20 points in the country union, 17 points in medical care, 16 points in race relations and 13 points in who is best equipped to handle the coronavirus.

The Trump campaign has talked about expanding the map to states that the president lost in 2016, including Minnesota, New Hampshire, and New Mexico. But the Priorities analysis found that 90 percent of Trump’s campaign spending is in states the president won in 2016.
