Biden praises democracy and reprimands Trump after election-winning college victory

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Biden sharply rejected Donald Trump and declared that “the will of the people won” in a speech shortly after the Electoral College officially confirmed his victory.

It was time to “turn the pages” on the presidential election, which tested the resilience of American democracy, with the president-elect saying that in a few moments after Hawaii cast its final four-vote college-led vote, a landmark signaled the end of Trump’s unprecedented attempt to overthrow all. The result.

Biden hailed the presidential election and the victory of American democracy and its aftermath, and said, “We have never seen a civic duty in our country.”

606 to 225 voter votes – results despite national epidemic Final figures following a baseless campaign by the President to reverse the results of the historic polls. Trump lost not only the electoral college but also the popular vote – about 7 m.

For weeks now, the president has been clinging to unbiased allegations of voter fraud in the battlefield states that led to Biden’s victory. His refusal to accept them has cast doubt on the integrity of the vote among his supporters and undermined confidence in the institutions of American governance.

In a speech from Wilmington, Delaware, Biden said, “Our democracy – the pressure, the testing, the threat – has proven to be resilient, true and strong.”

When sworn in on January 20, Biden will become the 46th president of the United States, he said. The integrity of our elections is intact. And so, now is the time to turn that page, as we have done throughout our history – to unite, to heal. “

Since Biden entered the presidential race last year, he has called the election a “battle of the soul” of the nation. In his remarks Monday night, Byden described his electoral college victory as the fulfillment of that mission and Trump’s rejection.

The president-elect called Trump’s attack on the democratic process “irresponsible” and attacked Republicans who accepted his dissatisfied claims of widespread voter fraud. He selected 17 state attorney generals and 126 members of Congress, who he said helped legitimize the legitimate attempt to cast millions of votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia, and “handed over the presidency to the losing candidate.” , Lost popular votes and lost every state whose votes they were trying to reverse ”. The lawsuit was dismissed by the Supreme Court.

“These officials have taken a position that we have never seen before – a position that refuses to respect the will of the people, refuses to respect the rule of law and disrespects our constitution,” Biden said.

Expecting more resistance from Trump and his allies, Biden noted that the president and his campaign have “refused to take any action” and stressed that his efforts have failed in states with Republican governors and in courts with Republican-appointed judges.

“They heard,” he said. “And they were found to be without merit.”

Texas presidential voters took the oath of office to cast their ballots Monday.

Texas presidential voters took the oath of office to cast their ballots Monday. Photograph: Bob Dimemirich / Zuma Wire, RX / Shutterstock

Yet Trump continued to dispute the legality of the election on Monday, claiming that the result was “RIGGED” due to “massive fraud.” Twitter quickly moved to label the “controversial” announcements. With 55 California voters voting for Biden and pushing the White House to a 270-vote threshold to win, Trump announced on Twitter that his attorney general, Bill Barr, is resigning, effective December 23.

The attorney general admitted his department found no evidence of widespread voter fraud, after Trump recently lost patience with a bar seen as a loyalist eagerly advancing the president’s political agenda.

In a sign that Republicans are increasingly ready to accept reality, some senators and members of Congress accepted the election college vote.

“The orderly transfer of power is a feature of our democracy, and although I support President Trump, the election college vote today makes it clear that Biden is now president-elect,” Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman said in a statement. .

After Biden resisted his victory for weeks, he thanked a handful of Republican senators who have accepted the College Ledge vote. Always hoping for a new era of bipartisanship with a four-year deep-seated division, Biden said he was confident we could work together for the good of the nation.

With the election still pending, he called on elected officials to turn to “immediate action” to combat the coronavirus epidemic. On Monday, the U.S. death toll topped 300,000, the same day Americans began receiving the first shot of the vaccine against the virus.

Although the road ahead is challenging, the departments that are on the rise increase, Biden said the election college vote should serve as a sign of hope for a boring nation.

He pointed to election officials – many of them volunteers – who had performed their duties in the face of political pressure, threats of violence and, in some cases, presidential interference. He said his unwavering commitment to the electoral process ensured that the “flame of democracy” was not extinguished.

“They showed strong and unwavering faith and commitment to the law,” Biden said. “They knew their election was fair and free and fair. They saw it with their own eyes and would not be bullied by saying something different. ”
