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Nina Lakhani reports from Texas for us today, asking if there is a crisis at the border?

After four years of racist, chaotic, anti-immigration policies under the Trump administration – as well as growing frustration with epidemics and extreme climate events – the number of people seeking entry into the U.S. is growing.

But Rio Grande Valley advocates, where undocumented migrants have long relied on cheap farm labor, deny the provocative claims that the numbers are higher.

“Migration goes up and down, that’s the reality of the border. Biden has different values ​​and people have hope, but there is no border crisis when it comes to political manipulation, “said Remona Cassas, director of the migration advocacy group. “We need to address the root causes and change the broken immigration system, not further militarization.”

According to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) figures, the current operation began before Biden’s election.

Former senior border patrol agent Jane Bud made the whistle blower, saying: “The only crisis on the border is the children, the administration is trying to administer, nothing else is true and trying to play politics, make Biden look bad and make sure money The border security industry continues to flow. “

In 2000, a total of 9,212 border patrol agents detained an average of 137,000 undocumented migrants per month at the southern border. As of February 2021 fiscal year, the average was just over 76,000 per month, but the number of agents has more than doubled since 2000.

Earlier this month, Texas Governor Greg Abbott deployed to the border after claiming to be the state’s go-between and national guard, without evidence, illegal immigrants are spreading the coronavirus. Abbott’s unsubstantiated cowardly claims came soon after the state announced plans to end the mask order and ordered businesses to reopen at 100% capacity.

But illegal or undocumented immigrants are not released into the U.S. Two groups are being allowed, some current asylum seekers, thanks to the cancellation of Trump resident in Mexico policy, and some new arrivals, presented at legal ports, including unaccompanied children and young families, who have been allowed to stay in the country. The asylum court hearing is pending. In Texas, prosecutors say everyone else’s compensation is ongoing.

Read Nina Lakhani’s report here: Is there a crisis at the border ?: A look at both sides of the immigration debate
