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Health officials across the country have been notified that they should expect coronavirus vaccine to be available to health workers in high-risk groups by November, and the Trump administration is urging states to expedite approval of vaccine distribution sites before the November election.

The New York Times reports that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention informed health officials that “limited Covid-19 vaccine doses may be available as early as November 2020.”

Meanwhile, CDC director Robert Redfield has written to state governors asking them to prepare for distribution. “The CDC urgently requests your help in expediting applications for these distribution facilities, and, if necessary, asks you to consider the waiver of capabilities that prevent these facilities from becoming fully operational by Nov. 1, 2020.” McClelland has stated.

The ambitious timeline, which calls for officials to prepare for the timely delivery of vaccines for the November election, has raised concerns that the Trump administration has politicized the vaccine development process, and wants the vaccine to run before presidential election day.

The government’s top infectious disease specialist, Dr. Anthony Fouca said he was “cautiously optimistic” about the vaccine by the end of this year, but added that he would not be satisfied with the release of the vaccine as long as we knew it was safe. And effective ”.

But Trump is playing with confidence that a vaccine will be found soon. As the CDC began notifying potential health officials last week, Trump told supporters during his Republican National Assembly speech, “We’re delivering life-saving treatments, and will produce the vaccine before the end of the year, or even sooner.”

Healthcare workers, national security personnel and other high-risk groups will receive the first round of vaccinations under the guidance of the CDC.
