Best project xCloud Controller: Elite style controllers, retro pads, and more

Xbox’s xCloud project has been completed to make way for the official launch on September 15th. From then on, anyone with an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription can play Xbox games on their Android smartphone as a tablet. However, you will need a controller if you want to experience gaming over the cloud, and there are many different choices to consider, from official pads that require mobile controller clips to third parties that do not.

Fortunately, many of these options are pretty good, and provide unique but great experiences between each other. If you are looking for something similar to console and PC gaming, then there are a number of pads that provide that experience. However, there are also a few that can turn your Android smartphone into a handheld like the Nintendo Switch, making portability easy and fun. That’s why we’ve tested and identified the best controllers for use with xCloud on our Android phones.

We will keep this article updated as we test more controllers, clips, and devices, but in the meantime read on for our current review of the best xCloud controllers out there. Please note that the prices below indicate the regular price and do not reflect current discounts or fluctuations. Amazon tends to discount products on a regular basis so you can snag one of these controllers for a great price if you are patient.

Quick view: The best Project xCloud controller

Best controller clips for mobile phones