Bernie Sanders on Post Office funding: ‘Trump may be crazy, but he’s not stupid’

Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersChris Wallace: Trump wrestles with attacks on ‘form-shifter’ Harris Kamala Harris: The outspoken Latinos have seen Biden and Harris as more moderate than Trump and Pence: question MAY (I-Vt.) Luts Thursday President TrumpDonald John TrumpUSPS warns Pennsylvania post-in polls may not be delivered on time to count. Michael Cohen book accuses Trump of corruption, fraud Trump demands post-vote for Florida Congress primary MORE regarding funding for postal services, hours after the president signaled he was opposed to giving extra funds to the beleagured U.S. Postal Service (USPS) because he thinks Democrats will allow post-in-vote for the November election to expand.

“As far as this is concerned, it’s not complicated,” Sanders told Anderson Cooper, CNN, as he discussed Trump’s rhetoric about voting by mail. “Trump may be crazy, but he’s not stupid. And he’s watching interviews. He’s behind. And I think what he and his friends believe [is] that if they can suppress the vote – making it harder for people to vote – they have a better chance of winning the election. “

Earlier in the day, Trump spoke out against USPS funding and mail-in voting.

“They want $ 25 billion for the post office. Now, they need that money to run the post office so it can take all those millions and millions of votes,” Trump said. “Now in the meantime, they do not get there. In fact, those are just two items. But if they do not get those two items, it means you do not have a universal mail-in vote, because they are not equipped to do it. have. “

Trump later turned around a bit, saying he would support funding for the USPS, but not Democrats’ attempt to expand mail-in voting.

Sanders, the longtime senator from Vermont and former Democratic presidential candidate, also took to Twitter to rip Trump off for his remarks.

“No, Mr. President. We will not let you sabotage the election,” Sanders tweeted. “This is a democracy, not a damn dictatorship. Your government of authoritarianism will end soon.”
