Benji Gosnell goes deeper into the decision to send him to Ohio State

It was an interesting path that led to Benji Gosnell’s commitment to the state of Ohio today.

The bookies were seen as lean after the fifth-ranked tight end of the 2022 cycle dropped its top three in the summer, but Sept. Following the amount of coaches he contacted on the 1st, he took a step towards recruitment.

Then, he saw the tight end of the Gators with the production of Kyle Pitts, UF became the school that began to trend in its recruitment. In fact, Gosnell set the record just a few weeks ago and said Florida would be his choice if committed that day.

In the end, however, it was Ryan Day and his staff who came to the top for the famous junior.

“That sounds awful,” Gosnell said BookieGrove. “Especially with all the coaching staff; They are all great people. They are all going to do the best for every single child… they behave like family like their players. That’s one reason I love them so much. I’m going to go there, we’ll have a great time of four to five years and we’ll win some nets. We’ll get a few rings, so I pumped. ”

Throughout his evaluation process, Gosnell was aware of many of the factors he wanted in the program to be considered for his services. His criteria include good facilities, player development, coaching staff, his position coaches, the people around him, stability and the location of the school.

Ohio State, which Gosnell started the conversation with earlier this year, examined all of the bucks.

“I’ve always liked Ohio State,” Gosnell said. “When I first got my offer fur from there on June 2, that feeling અનુભ basically I was overjoyed when Coach Day spoke the official facial offer fur words. Since then, I have felt a certain kind of route to Ohio State.

“Even in March, when I first started zooming in with Coach Wilson, we were discussing the state of Ohio and all the ins and outs and all the details of the school. Every single thing about it has been awesome and amazing. I’ve already learned a lot and never visited, but I basically feel like I already know the place well. “

The recruitment of journalists, like me, covers future college league football players like Gosnell, but we know that there is more to their decision-making process than what is fixed on Gridioron. Not only do they choose three-five years; It is also a decision that will hopefully benefit them for the rest of their lives.

Gosnell says what Wilson and company would do on the field for him, Ohio State Education and post-football programs sold him to school.

“I already knew that everything except Ohio State football was right for me.” “Scholars offer amazing, facilities, training staff, all the opportunities after football. But as a football player, seeing how they develop a tight end … too [on Saturday], Rookert scored twice and made six receptions on seven goals.

“Jeremy Ruckert, it’s such a developed tight end. It will make a defensive end and a linebacker punch, but it will also make a touchdown and get out in a passing game. In general, it’s one of a kind that develops players. “

Wills has informed Gosnell that he is being recruited to replace Ruckert, who is in his junior season at Columbus. The 6-foot-4, 220-pounder already has a reliable hand for a tight end, but the next step in Gosnell’s development is to raise his barrier to another level.

Gosnell, a multi-sports athlete who plays baseball, plays basketball, runs tracks and even plays on the defensive side of football, is ready for the challenge.

“My brother, Stephen, is in North Carolina and he’s a receiver, so I started working with him, training as a receiver, from sixth grade,” Gosnell said. “I felt like I was evolving into my sophisticated year halfway through my new year being almost a tight end type player and developing my body. When we are doing —-, I can leave behind any linebacker you put on me, but I do a lot bigger and longer than any corner or safety.

“So, you can throw it at me, no matter what coverage they have, and I can position myself to kick them out. Also, I’m really aggressive. I play defensive end and I play linebacker, so I have a defensive mindset – even if people say I’m understood – the aggression I bring will develop how they get blocked. “

Although Gosnell has a tight end to the top in the country, he knows it will be a grind for him when it comes time to patch the bookies ’pads. Playing time is not based on stars or position rankings; He earns every day in the practice field, in the waiting room, in film sessions and so on.

Once he reaches Columbus in 2022, however, Gosnell wants to establish himself as the toughest worker on the team.

“I’m a really coachable person,” Gosnell said. “I’m not going to explain, ‘I’m doing this and you’re not right.’ If Coach Wilson and Coach Day try to teach me something, I will listen because, obviously, they know more about me and their results speak for themselves. I have an accessible attitude and I will compete like a hack.

“The first day I arrived in Ohio State, I would work on my belt. I think, honestly, people will be offended by how hard I work. “

This was part of Bookigrove’s conversation with Benji Gosnell. Stay tuned for the second part of this interview on Thursday afternoon, where he’s at the helm of the Ohio State 2022 Group Commitment, Class Expectations, and his thoughts on Ryan Day, the bookies.