Bald Eagle steps on government drone and sends it to the bottom of Lake Michigan | American news

In a rare case of nature adopting and winning a man-made machine, a cold eagle attacked a government drone and destroyed it flying over Lake Michigan on an environmental surveillance mission.

The Phantom 4 Pro Advanced quodcopter drone was about 162ft in the air when it is thought the bird of prey was attacked – perhaps the flying machine was missing for a rival bird as a tasty snack.

The drone had cut off one of the floats from the skies and spiraled, sinking to the bottom of the lake.

“The attack could have been a territorial struggle with the electronic enemy, or simply a hungry nobility,” the State Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy stated in a statement.

The drone’s pilot, Hunter King, had mapped erosion ashore for use in the agency’s efforts to document communities around Lake Michigan and help deal with high water levels when it suddenly began to rage. crawl.

“It was a really bad rollercoaster ride,” King said.

When he looked up, the drone was gone, and a nobleman flew away seemingly useless.
