Bacteria outside the International Space Station have survived in space for many years

A new study has found that by hiding the harsh conditions of outer space outside the International Space Station and then nailed under the remains of dead bacteria – bacterial huts could survive outside the International Space Station.

Japanese scientists learned this while experimenting with the Panspermia hypothesis, the idea that spores and other forms of microscopic life could propagate organisms from any planet to other organisms by finding a way to sustain extreme temperatures, high atmospheric levels, and the atmosphere of outer space. In their recent article published in Frontiers in Microbiology, scientists describe how they keep dry cell pellets of bacteria. Dinococcus The SPP, which has a high level of resistance to ionizing radiation, is in aluminum plate wells that were then attached to the exposure panels on the exterior of the International Space Station.

The authors write that “we exposed microbial cell palettes with different thicknesses in the space environment.” “The results indicated the importance of the overall shape of cells to survive in a harsh space environment. We also analyzed samples exposed to space for 1 to 3 years. The experimental design has enabled us to obtain a course of existence time and to do extrapolation and prediction. D. Radiodurans. If other requirements were met, such as ejection, relocation, and landing from a donor planet, the results would support the concept of masapenspermia. “Masapenspermia suggests a specific idea of ​​microbial transfer between planets.

In particular, scientists have discovered that Dinococcus Bacteria were able to form small balls, sometimes as thick as five sheets of paper, and the organisms in the center of the ball could survive even when the outer parts were destroyed. Although all the bacteria in the pellets that were only 100 micrometers thick died, about 4 percent of the microbes that were 500 and 1000 micrometers thick survived by protecting themselves from the remains of their dead comrades.

The most immediate effects of the study include a possible journey from Earth to Mars or the lattices involved.

“Accordingly, dinococcal cell tablets in the sub-millimeter range will be sufficient to allow survival during an interplanetary journey from Earth to Mars or from Mars to Earth,” the authors write. “Cell tablets with a diameter of 1,000 micrometers will be able to survive short-term travel in space.”

This is not the first time that scientists have taken an interest in microbial survival in space. Last year, scientists published an article in the journal Microbiome that analyzed the composition of various microorganisms and fungi living on the International Space Station. It was found that the most prominent were bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Pantoa And Bacillus. This research was important in terms of assessing human health during long journeys through space.

A senior research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Kasturi Venkateswaran, who co-authored the paper on microbiology, said in a statement at the time that certain microbes affect human microbes in indoor space. “This is even more important for astronauts during their stay, as they have altered immunity and no access to the sophisticated medical interventions available on Earth.”