The shooting of the two animals at Janrose was “completely absurd” and “unjustified”, complained Sandra Pfister of the Association Against Animal Factories (VGT).
The downing of two young swans is causing a stir in Lauterach. The two animals were reportedly released for shooting following complaints from the Bregenz district authority and were hunted by a hunting supervisory body. Humans are displacing wild animals more and more, the slaughter of the animals is incomprehensible, animal rights activists said Thursday.
VGT Announces Announcement
Apparently the two young animals should have died because bathers and a farmer were upset with them. The shooting of two of the four animals at Lauteracher Janrosee was “completely absurd” and “unjustified,” complained Sandra Pfister, also known as Sandy P. Peng, of the Association Against Animal Factories (VGT) in a broadcast. The Vorarlberg hunting law allows swans to be shot between 1 and 30 September. The two birds were shot in August. Therefore, the VgT announced an announcement. In addition, the association was informed of further killings of swans in the Bregenz district and possibly also in Altach. Shooting animals as a first-choice solution does not correspond to the current understanding of animal welfare in Austrian society, Pfister emphasized.
BH Bregenz defends the approach
The procedure was confirmed and defended by BH Bregenz. Both bathers, who were attacked by the animals during the youth period, as well as a farmer, whose pasture was defecated, complained about the animals, according to Michael Metzler of the hunting authority of the BH Bregenz. After an assessment of the situation by a ranger, it was decided to undertake moderate intervention and no further killings were planned. If problems arise with wild animals because they cause damage, for example, these could also be triggered outside the usual shooting time after the test. This is always necessary, for example with Schalwild. Swans are not uncommon in Vorarlberg, especially on Lake Constance, there are always problems on lawns in bathing areas or in agricultural areas. The birds contaminated the meadows in large quantities with their droppings, the grass is no longer usable for farmers.