At its meeting Thursday, the Crown Commission turned traffic lights to orange for ten other districts because they saw a high risk of infection there. It is notable that the Lower Austrian districts of Gmünd, Melk and Waidhofen an der Thaya have directly changed from green to orange. In Salzburg, two other districts are yellow.
Furthermore, Krems Stadt, Wr. Neustadt Stadt, Gänserndorf, Korneuburg, Krems Land, Landeck and Schwaz orange. Vienna stayed orange. Red is not yet a district in all of Austria.
Three yellow districts of Salzburg
Twelve districts, namely Güssing and Neusiedl am See in Burgenland, Scheibbs and Tulln in Lower Austria, Ried im Innkreis in Upper Austria, Hallein and Sankt Johann im Pongau in Salzburg, Leibnitz, Liezen, Murau and Hartberg-Fürstenfeld in Styria and Kitzbühel in Tirol. they are now yellow (medium risk) instead of green (low risk). The city of Salzburg also remains yellow.
New risk assessment in Vorarlberg
To this end, the risk assessment in Vorarlberg has been modified: in the future, the regions will be assessed there instead of the previous districts. The new geographic model was unanimously adopted by the Commission. According to this, the Rheintal / Walgau region with the communities Altach, Bildstein, Bludenz, Bludesch, Bregenz, Buch, Dornbirn, Düns, Dünserberg, Feldkirch, Frastanz, Fraxern, Fußach, Gaißau, Göfis, Götzis, Hard, Höhechilermshen, Hörbranz, Kennelbach, Klaus, Koblach, Laterns, Lauterach, Lochau, Ludesch, Lustenau, Mäder, Meiningen, Möggers, Nenzing, Nüziders, Rankweil, Röns, Röthis, Satteins, Schlins, Schnifis, Schwarzach, Wolfucheniartwislet, Zürich orange. Medium risk (yellow) applies to all other regions.
There was good news for the Upper Austrian districts of Gmunden, Kirchdorf an der Krems, Perg, Rohrbach, Steyr Land and Urfahr Umgebung: they changed from yellow to green. All other districts were unchanged in the Commission’s assessment.