The fact that in Austria we now have to give away money (and be it in the form of coupons) so that people can at least go to the perfectly organized mass tests is crazy, but it fits our understanding, which is actually much less Liberal Than It’s Supposed to: Basically, we trust the nanny state (with one of the highest tax rates in the world). The only liberal thing is that you can complain about it and furthermore pinch any nonsense with impunity, which is currently booming again. In other words: you believe in Tibetan bowls and 5G anti-interference products, but absurd world conspiracy theories around a new vaccine that science around the world has participated in. Therefore, Europe is making a collective decision in favor of the Middle Ages rather than the Modern Age. Because anyone who rejects contact tracing apps, screening tests, and vaccines will have to meet the requirement of the mask, social isolation, and the ruin of business and culture for a long time.
To get out of there, vaccinating around two-thirds of the population is currently the only option. But what do you hear everywhere? “Well now I won’t be the first.” Better let the other “guinea pigs” play. Our deep-seated hostility to technology nails a board in front of our heads. After genetic engineering has been demonized for decades, a knowledge-mining vaccine goes into a panic. (And because mainstream opinion has stigmatized nuclear power for decades, strict thought bans apply here too, as the Neos painfully experienced recently. Their boss was quick to clear up any misunderstandings via Krone and demonstrate pink rationalization. : “Atomic energy is not a solution!”)
In reality, history should have taught us that epidemics occur regularly and have repeatedly caused millions of deaths (diphtheria, smallpox, Spanish flu, etc.). It is a miracle that it has only affected us occasionally (bird flu, swine flu, SARS, Ebola) in recent decades.
Conclusion: If we reject progress and at the same time invoke our (pseudo) liberalism, we have a new “hammer” after each “dance”. And it hits us hard on the head.