Force Landing for Vienna Airport: Corona is leaving massive marks on the company’s figures during the first three quarters of the year.
From January to September, sales fell about 57 percent to 277 million euros. The operating result (EBIT) went into the red at minus 43.6 million euros. For the full year, a net loss of 75 to 85 million euros is expected. Vienna Airport announced this yesterday, Tuesday, with Eferding boss Julian Jäger.
The losses are due to the decline in passenger business. In the first nine months, 8.7 million travelers used the company’s airports in Schwechat, Malta and Kosice, 71.2 percent less than in the same period last year. The occupancy rate at airports fell on average from 77.5 to 59.5 percent.
To get Vienna airport out of the crisis, there are three pillars, according to Jäger: an austerity program worth 220 million euros, the investment program reduced by 100 million euros and the reduced working hours for some 6,000 employees. The rapid antigen tests that the airport is currently testing with the AUA are very successful, they say. The tests will be used across Europe, Jäger said.