“Vaccination is a medical activity” «kleinezeitung.at


Up to eight million vaccines will not be available at the same time.

10:15 PM, November 4, 2020

Minister of Health Rudi Anschober
Minister of Health Rudi Anschober © (c) APA / HELMUT FOHRINGER (HELMUT FOHRINGER)

The large number of vaccines expected against the coronavirus should be administered by doctors in Austria. “For reasons of quality assurance and patient protection, an expansion of the group of professional groups in the health sector authorized to carry out vaccinations is not currently being planned,” stressed Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) in a parliamentary response to NEOS .

The Chamber of Pharmacists had recently repeatedly requested that the vaccination permit be extended to duly trained pharmacists. In addition to doctors, members of the high-level service for health and nursing can already carry out vaccinations according to a doctor’s order. In accordance with the Midwifery Law, midwives can also be summoned for vaccination within the framework of their professional profile and field of activity if recommended by the health authorities.

Not all at the same time

“However, vaccination is a medical activity,” Anschober said. “Especially in the expected situation with new vaccines and presumably specific vaccinations for target groups, I see the medical indication as an essential part of the vaccination service,” the minister explained. Also, initially there would not be enough vaccines available to vaccinate all people in Austria at the same time, and individual vaccines are likely not approved for all groups of people.

A vaccination strategy is still being worked on. The contracting is carried out jointly with the EU. Then a prioritization takes place in Austria. Initially, there would not be enough vaccines available. “You want to start where the risk is greatest,” explains Clemens Auer from the Ministry of Social Affairs. The planned free vaccination has a budget of 200 million euros. The goal remains to get enough vaccine for eight million.

If you are with you Cold symptoms warning, then the following applies first: Stay home and avoid contact with other people!
If you also have a fever or if the condition worsens, you should Health phone 1450 be called. TO general inquiries please choose the Infoline Coronavirus der AGES: 0800555621 .
Angel number 1450 is only for people with ailments! The following applies: Always ask over the phone first, never go to a doctor’s office or hospital independently with a suspected corona!
