Uttendorf: 17-year-old falls asleep at 1.36 per thousand by tractor


17-year-old boy brought to hospital with 1.36 per thousand


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The young man had to be transferred to the hospital. (IMAGE SYMBOL)

A tractor with the engine running called the police in Uttendorf (Pinzgau) on Monday morning. A 17-year-old was sitting behind the wheel and sleeping. The police tried in vain to wake the young man. He was finally taken to the hospital at 1.36 per thousand.

Police reported Monday afternoon in a broadcast. The tractor was parked on Bahnhofstrasse with the engine running. The boy had to be rescued from the driver’s cab by the police. The rescue took him to the hospital in Zell am See (Pinzgau).

Alkolenker taken to Zell am See hospital

There, an alcohol level of 1.36 per thousand was found. The 17-year-old local also likely damaged a moped parked on the side of the road while driving with alcohol. As reported by the police, the child is reported to BH Zell am See.

(Source: SALZBURG24)

Accessed October 26, 2020 at 1:31 am at https://www.salzburg24.at/news/salzburg/pinzgau/uttendorf-17-jaehriger-schlaeft-mit-1-36-promille-in-traktor- ein-94730719
